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kaz brekker


AS MUCH AS ESTHER wanted to, she couldn't quite refrain from destruction. She obliterated never with the intention of doing harm to a person, but simply to feel the rush of fire roaring to life, deafening sound waves echoing outwards, a blast so powerful it could knock her off her feet. She loved the feeling of having enough power to bring something that once stood tall and mighty down to its knees. In short, she loved to hear things go BOOM. As a child, it had gotten her into her fair share of trouble, after one too many times her father went to feed the livestock and found his daughter lighting cow shit on fire. Her partners in crime had been the two Rietveld boys, who lived on a farm only a few miles over, who didn't care that her mother had left, and who often came to make trouble whenever their fathers decided to talk business or play a game of cards. She had been very proud to call herself a bad influence on those two.

BUT THE GOLDEN DAYS are gone, and Esther finds herself in the midst of a strange city, alone for the first time in her life. With her older sister making it clear where her loyalties lie, she is forced to flee her home to save herself. Only a few months after discovering she's an Inferni, Esther somehow manages to place herself right where it's most dangerous to be: unprotected on the streets of Ketterdam, where money trounces morals any day, and her kind are in growing danger of being sold to slavers or exposed to Fjerdan witchhunters. Yet, there is still hope, for Esther has strayed onto the path of a certain Bastard of the Barrel. With the offer of four million kruge hanging just out of her reach, Esther travels to the Ice Court to attempt the impossible - but with Kaz Brekker at her side, who's to say what can and can't be done?

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