Day 1

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Dear Diary,

Today is Feb. 22, 2015. Let me introduce you to my friends. Anne. Well she has been a really good friend. Always there for me and other junk. Well typical friend. Only thing is that she sometimes gets involved in some drama. Madison. Typical girly girl. She was supposed to be my best friend but until that life changing day we don't communicate as well as we use to. Gina. Ok Gina. Gina is also smart like me. We both sit in the front row always. She is your typical class clown and rebel. She is smart but funny. We always compete who is smarter. Isabelle. Well she is in a lot of drama right now. I will always support her no matter what because she always did that to me. Kim. I felt invisible with her. I became her friend when she wasn't friends with a girl named Adri. Soon they became friends again and the made me feel invisible because they never paid attention to me. Jazmin. Typical friend. But too much drama. She liked everything I like. Color food everything. Whenever i changed she would change too. She copied me at everything. I hate her sometimes. I use to be friends with a girl named Jazzy. I didn't want to be her friend anymore because she will drag you into her problems. Ok. So now you know about my friends. That's all for today.



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