The Trial Of Yaya And Ying

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Third pov
They were lead to as village filled with their kind as they were drop down by the bird lady while lily landed safely as boiboboy and gopal landed on there butt "aduhh!"

The bird landed down bowing down slitly "cawr! Tok ngay kani has brought two more thieves!" The rest of the birds had gasped and whispers to one another.


"They should be lock up!"

"Who are they?" Gopal asked as he looked around while the two couple looked at the elder bird "hmp lock them up so we can begin the trial"

"W-wait! Please let us explain were not thei-" BoBoiBoy was cut off as he and gopal got smack by kani with her wing "silences thieves!" She shouted as lily gasped "guys!" She ran towards them and glared at kani and the elder "how dare you hurt them!"

"Hmph and who might you be? Cawr" the elder asked looking at lily who keep growling but stop when BoBoiBoy held her hand she looked at him seeing him shake his head as a no.

"Lock them up now!" The elder flap his wings as the three locked at each other 'were in trouble'


The three were lock up in a giant wooden cage gopal screaming of wanting to get out as they looked down and saw Yaya and ying

"Yaya, ying!"

"Thank goodness you two are okay!"

Both couple said seeing there friends are okay while gopal keep on shaking the cage "yah! Let us out!! Oh hey you two what you doing here?" Gopal asked as lily brow Twitch and smack his head.

"We got captured"

"And now we're on trial"

The two girls explained to the three as they looked at each other "Trial?"

"CA CAWR!, Good day to my fellow avians I, elder NGAU of muriong " the old bird creature spoke showing his wings "we'll begin todays village tribunal with the case of sacred pepper thieves yong and yey yey"






"yong and yey yey?" boboiboy wonder as gopal bust out laughing "HAHAHAHA what kind of names are yong and yey yey!" meanwhile lily smack Gopal head again, "OW! why only me!?".

"thats what you get laughing at us gopal!" ying shouted at the boy.

"SILENCE!" the elder shouted making them go quite " you may now proceed the prosecutor Rukawr" he had spoken as a black bird bow down smirking "yes elder"

"w-what are we gonna do yaya?" ying panic hold her friend's hand nervously "its okay ying this is all a big misunderstanding Im sure they'll listen to reason" yaya said as she to is nervous.

"CA CAWR good day to you all, as we all know we've lived in this valley for a very long time, the residents of the village support and care for our dear sacred peppers and sell them from the outside world"

the bird continued on while the three teens on the cage looked at the trial below, "that's one intro" boboiboy comment while gopal just yawns in boredom "well its there live stock I guess"

Lily spoke looking down as she tries to think the situation, BoBoiBoy notice this seeing her crossing her arms and looking serious.

While the crowd of birds keep shouting on how Yaya and ying stole there sacred pepper "now you can imagine how surprised and angry we all are, they even stole the green one the ones that are not ripe yet" the black bird continue as the crowd began to hate them more.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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