Let Me Fill You In

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Ok, pretend that you are me and imagine this :
It is year 2021 and this year is already your fifth on Sunny Ax, this summer camp. You practically grew up in here and you'll probably never get bored of it.
You have made lots of great friends who you always promise at the end of the camp that you will be in touch with but you never do because you just live so far away from everybody.

Ok that was just a little fill in and now let's talk about what happened in these past four years.

2017 was my firs year and let me just let you that it was probably the best one yet.. until now.
Greta wasn't here with me back then so i was in tent with Adela, she is one year younger than me but she is so fun to be with. Our Trainees were the best and our team was even better.

2018 was also really enjoyable and fun. I was once again in an amazing team full of great people and not to brag, but the "big" boys liked me.. Like a lot. And well if i can say it this way.. here it kinda all started. River came to Sunny Ax, but back than I didn't know his name yet so we called him "the one with the big/pretty eyes"or "the one with the white hair". We didn't know each other back then but i noticed him right away.

2019 was the year when they changed the way how the teams were made and boys and girls were separated from each other and they were put in age categories, same age, same team. So yes, I was in team with some of my other friends from my hometown, but I was also there with, you guessed it.. Michelle and Amy. I didn't know them then but we got to know each other really quickly and we became friends right away. We were cool until we went for the two-day trip. Which means that we pack our backpacks, put our sleeping mats and sleeping bags in the big van and we go for a big hike, in the evening our trainees just call the guy with the van and he brings us our stuff so we can spend the night in the nature. In the morning we just go back while stopping for a swim in a lake or something like that.
So when we headed to the two-day trip, Michelle and Amy introduced me including my friends to River. They knew him because they were in a team with him the year before and Michelle goes to school with him. He looked a little different, he didn't have white hair anymore and he was way more grown up. I liked him, he was nice, funny, good looking and very friendly. I can say in a safe way that he was definitely way better friend than all the guys from my school. So through the whole hike we got to know each other, I found out that he has a dog, two younger sisters, he likes motokross and so on. And we talked even more in the evening with everyone else from the "group".
In the camp we talked A LOT! At the camp fire, while brushing our teeth, while working, eating. But the girls just didn't like how much time River spent with me so any time there was any game, teamwork, just anything, they got him as far away from me as they could.
Mine and Greta's tent was right next to Michelle's and Amy's so we could hear anything they said and vice versa. One night we couldn't fall asleep so we listened to what they were saying and we heard just that Michelle has crush on River. I didn't want to admit it but I started thinking that he had crush on her too. So I stopped talking to him for some days.
One morning I woke up with very bad ear ache and went straight up to the camp nurse and who wasn't there with the SAME problem! He was just standing there looking at me and I knew that I could not go any further without talking to him, I was so used to it! Sooo.. We both ended up with an ear infection in the wealth care tent, and you have to admit that it would have been really awkward if we just sat there in silence, so we started talking and after ten minutes I totally forgot that I wasn't supposed to talk to him..

But let's move a litter further :

Now we are packing the camp so we can come back next year and do this again. So everyone is giving everyone they're Instagram or Snapchat or both or more and we are promising that we will be in touch... blah blah blah. No, we won't be. Or at least not all of us.

2020: the year we didn't even think we could go to Sunny Ax. But we did! Everybody was happy about it until we found out that we can't do the best activities such as going grocery shopping and go to the local swimming pool. But let's skip that.
This year is Mayas last one and next year she's going to be a Trainee!
Because we - River and I didn't talk the whole year, we don't even say hi to each other when we arrive but than the first activity comes and he needs help and I happen to look like I am doing pretty well so he asks me if I can help annddd he remembers my name. ( congrats River, good job man!) and that's how we start talking again. And practically the whole 2019 happens once again like a replay, except instead of Michelle, Maya has crush on River, but this time noone except of Anya knows. But little does she know that River does not like the way Maya acts lately and he says that he doesn't know what to think of her.
We will once again skip the part where I say that I had the best time talking to River that year, that it was so much fun but also how hard it is to not take any blame when every girl hates on you, even your tent-mate.

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