Maybe smut

25 1 4

TW:Smut read the damn title

John:*sits in the cell drawing*

Francis:*walks in* Hey baby

John:*looks up* Oh h-hey francis

Francis:*sits on the cell bed and puts his hands around johns stomach*
Francis:I was thinking we can maybe do something tonight~~~


~The thing about francis is that everything was about sex~
~They never cuddled, did stuff and barely even talked~
~John new francis was only with john for his body but he couldnt say no~
~In all honsety he was scared of Francis~

John:B-But im tired and im still sore from yesterday...

Francis:*gives him a look* But what about how i feel?
Francis:Not everything is always about u john.

John:*sighs again* O-Okay your right ig...

Francis:*holds johns neck* Im always right.

John:*squeaks and nods*

Francis:Now get on the bed u slut

John:*nods again and gets on the bed*


Cathy:*watches trolls world tour with thomas*

Thomas:*barely even watching, mostly thinking*

Cathy:Hey you okay?

Thomas:Yeah im fine just thinking

Cathy:About what-?

Thomas:About why John broke up with me


Thomas:Mhm i just feel like idk he was forced

Cathy:Did u see anyone he was with?

Thomas:*thinks about what happen then rembers frances waiting whil smirking*


Thomas:We have to break into that jail


Thomas:WE NEED TO SAVE JOHN HE COULD BE HURT *stands up quickly*


~To be countied~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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