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Disclaimer:the final and epilogue will consider as 16 and 17 chapter and this will be 18 if you understand, thank you!!


2 years later

"Jungkook can you watch jungsoo for a while?"sojin said cause she's busy laundering their clothes while jungkook is just looking at his phone doing nothing

"Sorry hun, hyung said they have an emergency,can I leave you two in here? "Sojin peeked to jungkook and sees he's getting ready so she sigh in defeat and nodded

"Okay and please be careful on your way"sojin was about to kiss him in the lips but he suddenly avoid it and kiss her in the cheeks instead and grabbed his car keys not forgetting to kiss his sons forehead before going out

She sigh heavely and look around the house how mess it is

Jungkook is being suspicious nowadays always going out in the house, and going home late, and sometimes he's drunk

He's not the same jungkook anymore, he's not that sweet, always kissing her all over in her face when he gets whiny and play with his son even if he's tired and now they can't even bond to each other

Sojin look at her son and smiled softly when he saw how innocent her sons eyes are

Jungsoo is 5 years old now, he can talk but not that much and plays much with his uncles

Sojin pick up her son and place him in his crib and started to clean the house

She pick up the cans, boxes, tissues, and wash the unclean dishes in the sink and past an hour the house are clean

She wipes her sweat and now her focus are in the laundry, her son is not that cry baby, he's behaved baby and sojin is happy with that

12:00 pm

She finished all the chores ad takes a shower and put a comfortable clothes and get ready for lunch with her son


Sojin and jungsoo are happily eating together when they both hear a doorbell making sojin stop and look at his son

"Well should we check who is it baby?"

Her son smiled displaying his perfect tooth making sojin laugh and pick him up in his seat

Sojin open the door expecting jungkook but it's just jimin

"Jungsoo how's my favorite baby?"

"Da-da"jimin chuckled and pick jungsoo in his arms making the baby squeal and hugged jimins neck

"What brings you here oppa?"sojin close the door and follow the two who is heading in the kitchen

"Well I wanted to discuss something to jungkook but seems like he's not here so I will just gonna play with baby jungsoo"jimin place jungsoo in his sit and take a sit beside sojin when she sit too

"You want something or did you eat lunch yet?"

"I can prepare for my self, don't be such a house wife material,take care of yourself too"he chuckled when she pout and just kiss her forehead

It's not a big deal cause it's jimins habit and sojin is used to it

"Hows your girlfriend?"she suddenly ask making him stop and sigh

"What's wrong?"

"We broke up already last week"he answered like he didn't care and proceed in their refrigerator looking for some fruits making her frown when she saw what he get

"Oppa eat something else not just fruit your getting skinny and I don't like it"

"Aigoo don't worry about me, and I'm still full just eat"

Sojin just scoff and take a spoon in her rice and shove it in her mouth

How I wish your the one who is my girlfriend not that cheater with my best friend!!!


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