1. Chapter

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A/N: Finally, I have got enough time for the first chapter. I hope you enjoy reading it.  Please give me feedback in the comments.
I just wanted to say that I have accidentally written the first chapter in a third-person point of view instead of Lucrezia's point of view. In the next chapters it will be from Lucrezia's point of view.


                                                                                           Don't look for me!!!!
                                                                                                     ~ D.L.M.

                                                        Uggh. Why has he always to be such a drama queen?!

Plopp. Fizzy the houself apparated into Lucrezia's room. "Miss, your uncle Master Rabastan wants to speak to you."  Plopp. Now she was gone. Again peaceful silence. Grumbling, she got up from her cosy four-poster bed. Lucrezia went out of her room, wandering through the endless corridors of Lestrange Manor. She stopped in front of a huge wooden door . "Come in", her uncle shouted from inside of the room. Lucrezia entered the room, her uncle,Rabastan Lestrange a feared Death Eater ,stood at the large window on the other side of the study behind his desk. "You and Draco, again?", he sighed annoyed not looking at her. "Luce it's the thirth time this week. Can you please just stop." "I did nothing! I just don't wanted to play Quidditch with him again." She tried to talk her way out of it. " Be glad he didn't told your mother about it. She would be over the moon, we don't need her insanity here again.", he said in a stern voice. "I'm sorry.", Luce said in a sweet apologising voice trying to convince her uncle that she was truly sorry. But he knew her better than that, likewise her dad. "You're not Lucrezia." Rodolphus Lestrange, her dad, appeared behind her. " But dad he practically asked for it, it was clear that if he loses, he'd go to perish to Lucius again." " Then why did you do this?", her dad asked obviously confused. " I mean I'd hex him and make him shut up."  "Rod, you should threaten her and not tell her how to hex her cousin.", Rabastan said trying not to laugh at the idea of a hexed Draco. "Masters, Miss, the young Masters are back from their trip to Diagonally. " Fizzy said after apparating into the study. The trio left the study of Rabstan Lestrange and went downstairs. They entered a big room, called "the red salon". Lucrezia's Mom Bellatrix named it when she was pregnant with Luce. And that's probably the only reason why the salon got his name. On the opposite side of the entrance to the room was a huge fireplace from which two darkbrown-haired young wizards stumbled. "Oh no, why are the gnomes back already?" Lucrezia sounded like an four-year old who got his teddy taken away. Her cousins looked at her indignantly. "You should be happy and delighted to see us again.", the older one, Rabastan jr. said. "Yeah he is right, since we are such good cousins, we bought you something nice.", Pollux added with a reproachful look. "What have you two done?,  asked Lucrezia, suspecting the worst. The dad of the two boys , Rabastan stood behind Lucrezia, he had put on his impenetrable mask and stared at his sons. His brother, on the other side of Lucrezia, on the other hand, smiled conspiratorially at his nephews. " We haven't done anything or at least not on purpose.",for that Pollux received a slap on the back of his head from his older brother. " Do you want to die?", Rabastan Jr  asked annoyed. Before Luce could ask and kill her cousins about what happened, a loud bang and curses coming from the entrance hall interrupted the scene. The Lestranges stormed into the entrance hall in which a angry looking Prudence and a laughing Bellatrix stood. The older Lestrange brothers had taken their wands out to protect their property and to the defeat the intruder. Rodolphus sighed in relief as he saw his wife and his sister-in-law. Before anyone could say anything Prudence, Lucrezia's aunt, screamed in her husband's face:" How could you do that to me?" Luce's mom cackeled in the background. She sounded like an dying seagull. "What have I done?", Rabastan looked confused in his wife's face. "Oh, you know what you have done! How could you raise our sons into such awful creatures?" An indignant snort was heard from Rabastan Jr and Pollux. Rabastan Snr stood there in disbelief unable to say anything. Never ever had a women despite from his mother and Professor McGonagall raised her voice against him. Now Rodolphus and Luce also joined in Bellatrix's cackling. The shocked faces of the three other Lestrange men and the angry face of Prudence made it impossible to stay quiet. " You shouldn't be laughing about this! You should stand a side with me. Also it's about you as well Lucrezia. Your cousins have destroyed your collection of magic shells, so you shouldn't be laughing at all!" "They did what?" Lucrezia words came out in a high pitched scream. Now she was furious. "You have exactly three seconds and then I won't spare your life anymore." After the words were spoken Lucrezia haunted her cousins down the Manor without any mercy. After she had enough she asked her father to hex the two boys. Now they had both pink hair and the best the thing was, at the next day was a big ball to be given by the infamous Malfoy's themselves. At dinner Prudence gave the teenagers a "don't make a fool out of yourself and represent the noble house of Lestrange well" speech. Under other circumstances it would have been Bellatrix who would have given this speech but she was surprisingly in a good mood, much to the delight of the other family members. When Lucrezia got to bed later that night she was tired but got mixed feelings about the ball the other day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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