Chapter 1: Recurring Dreams

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"I've always loved you Michael," Jace said tears, streaming from his eyes. "M-me too," Michael responded. Jace leaned in for a kiss and then...


Michael sighed getting up to turn off his alarm. He had yet another one of those dreams where Jace proclaims his love for him and the two have a romantic encounter. The dreams happened  more times than Michael would like to admit. Jace had been Michael's friend all throughout their early adolescence. They were friends in middle school, and they are still friends now. They even remained friends when Jace told Michael that he was gay. Michael was a little weirded out when Jace told him. Gay people go to hell right? But it's Jace, he's too nice...too...perfect. Jace would never go to hell. At least not without Michael by his side.

Michael got dressed for the day in his usual super cool Nike shorts and Ozark Tigers hoodie that he got from being on the basketball team. Jace just so happened to have the same one, which Michael thought about a lot for some reason. The idea of having something so similar to something Jace has just made him feel all warm and cozy inside, but he couldn't explain why. Walking to the kitchen he said hello to his mom and got some cereal to eat. After he finished his breakfast, he picked up his backpack from the coat closet, waved goodbye to his mom, and got on the bus.

In school he walked to his first period class, social studies. He surprisingly wasn't bad a social studies like he was everything else academic. He actually had a solid B in this class , but it was so horrendously boring. Luckily his friend Logan was in this class as well. Logan on the other hand wasn't very good at social studies and he frequently copied off of Michael, which allowed him to obtain a grade roughly around a C-minus. Michael sat down in his spot and scanned the classroom. Logan wasn't here today of course. He wasn't surprised, though as Logan was almost never at school on B days.

First hour went by pretty quickly. The bell rang and students started moving to second period advisory. Michael got slightly excited that Jace was in this class. Walking in, he set his stuff down and grabbed his water bottle. Jace then walked in, also reaching into his bag to get his water bottle. "Sup bro," Jace said. "Sup," Michael responded. They then made their way to the water fountain outside of the cafeteria, a daily routine. The two barely talked about anything of importance while they made their way back to class. They just recited the usual phrases such as, "I'm tired," and "I'm failing science," to fill in the uncomfortable silence. Jace didn't know why he and Michael's conversations stopped containing as much meaning as they used to, but he had a gut feeling that him coming out had something to do with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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