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A phoenix woke up for the first time.. ever. Her body burned bright as feathers and limbs came to form. Arms, legs, head, torso, wings, eyes, heart... everything was in flames. See, this occurrence of a humanoid phoenix was rare. VERY rare. Most failed to be formed, as limbs would be formed incorrectly causing organs to be crushed. They would be stuck in a half-born state, forever dying until a deity had to put them out of their misery. This case was different.  The phoenix struggled, screaming as she burned till eventually, the flames stopped. It was over. She sat in the forest looking around for any signs of what was happening.

"Wh-, what am I..?"

She picked up a stick, staring long and hard at it.

"Me..? Am I this?? No..."

She stumbled upon a pond and looked down upon it.

"Woah... me??"

A surge of personality jolted into her. As soon as a phoenix found their identity, the years of being reborn would start. 

"Th.. this is me!! A phoenix!! Orange and blue wonder of this world!!! KIARA TAKANASHI!"

So, what was there to do now? There were so many possibilities. She walked forward, until..


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