{6} - The mysteries that lurk in your eyes

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*There is minor abuse in this chapter (mention of a slap) - if this may be triggering for you, or upsetting in any way, please skip when you see this, ' &&&***', later and comment at the start of the next chapter and ill summarize for you, or you can just move on, whatever you would like !

Hope all is okay. :)*


A more youthful voice said something too. It sounded closer than the others. "Alexis? Are you okay?" And more concerned then it was startled.

It was Logan.

"Um, no?" I said, although the pain in my neck was starting to really distract me from the danger of the people around me.

And then the direct pain was gone, only a small ache left.

I was now laying on the wood floor, looking up at the ceiling. I sighed in relief, and Logan's face appeared in my vision, leaning over me.

"What happened?" He asked, and to the side of him I saw two others pairs of shoes.

Oh, what they must be thinking!!

"I fell down the stairs," I lied, gritting my teeth as I forced my back to help pull me into a sitting position. Logan offered his hand to me halfway and pulled me the rest of the way up. He met my eyes with a strange look, and I knew he saw right through my lie. He was good like that.

The edge of my tooth rubbed against another in a way that made me shiver.

"Stupid girl. Where did you learn such clumsiness?" The female voice said, although it sounded distant.

"Um, it was an accident."

"I can see that." The tone was bitter.

"Well, are you all right?" My dad asked, and I could tell he didn't really know what he was supposed to say when you find your daughter lying on the floor in a pretzel, claiming she fell down the stairs and landed like that. Hm.

"Yep, I'm good," I massaged my forehead with a few of my fingers. "Totally fine." I assured him, looking over to meet his eyes with a warm smile.

He nodded and walked back to the kitchen, following after Lydia, who had already left.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Logan said, "What happened to you?"

"I fell," I repeated.

"No you didn't." He shook his head.

"Okay, fine, I was spying, and then the banister failed me."

"What? Why would you be spying?" He asked in disbelief. "And who?"

I shrugged.

" I don't know. I didn't even mean too! I went to go open the door for dad but she was there first and I didn't want them to see me."

"Oh ok." He nodded and stood up from his position, but then looked back down on me with a strange look.

"So how'd you end up like this?"

"I fell," I told him sheepishly, although it was the truth, and technically, earlier, I hadn't been lying. Just leaving some parts out.

"Down the stairs?" He asked, his eyebrows raised.

"Nah, my hand slipped from the banister," I explained, and pushed myself up into a standing position.

"Oh. Really gotta stop eating all that pizza!" He joked, and I slapped his arm.

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