Before we begin

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Hi! I'm the author, if you couldn't tell, and this just a collection of stories that I randomly come up with the plot for. They aren't the best, but I really enjoy writing and just wanted to share. Also, my friend said I should do this soooo here we are.

A fair warning before you start reading, I have absolutely no update schedule, I, usually upload after midnight EST and there are periods of time where my motivation completely drops and I don't write.

Other than that, warnings for stories will be located at the top in bold by the prompts of the stories. I am always open to requests, even if I might not do them immediately there is a high chance that I will do them. The only thing I won't do is smut just because I personally do not feel comfortable writing it.

Okay, okay. I'm done with this boring introduction. Enjoy!

Saiouma OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now