Chapter 12 Take Me to Demeter's Church

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"It honestly sounds a Wattpad moment." Ren was eating it all up as watched me tie my hair into two low pigtails.

"How long have you been reading on Wattpad for?" I questioned as I wound two red poppies into ties in my hair.

"Since I was fourteen." He shrugged dismissively. "Anyway, how long would you say the second kiss lasted?"

It was my turn to shrug. "I don't know, I kind of lost track of time-not that I was counting every minute I was with her."

"I'm so happy for you!" He got up from the edge of my bed to fix my hair impulsively.

"It's one date." I attempted to suppress a smile, gazing at my own face in my vanity mirror.

"Love at first sight." Ren persisted. "Can't wait for the wedding-wait, the hen's party."

"Well, we both know it won't be anything like Iris's." I remarked to which Ren nodded in affirmation. Needless to say I wouldn't enjoy an almost naked man grinding on my lap in front my sisters and friends.

"Still can't believe they made out." He grimaced. "I never liked the French."

"What about Louis Vuitton?" I stood, adjusting the white, wide brimmed hat on his head.

"The one exception."

"Chanel?" I continued with a grin.

"Okay, fashion labels excluded." He shut the door behind us on our way out.

"The Munchkins are looking extra adorable today." I complimented Aster's girls as they danced around the hallway in their sunflower patterned dresses.

"How did it go with the Witch?" Aster asked, little Anthony wrapped in a denim jumpsuit in her arms.

"I think I found out some valuable information."

"That's good." She replied distractedly as Anthony attempted to wiggle out of her grasp.

"Good morning." Mason greeted us with a cheerier smile than his wife as he took a hand of his girls to help them down the stairs.

"Morning." Ren and I answered in unison before following.

Downstairs the remainder of our family had gathered in our best, simple and natural toned clothes for a dawn church service for our Goddess of the earth and all Green Magic, Demeter. Traditionally most Witches around the globe worshiped Hecate, mother of all Magic, it was only Witches who practiced a more specific kind that worshiped so-called lesser Goddesses.

"I hope you invited her to our service this morning." My father was quick to find a moment alone with me in a spotless, white suit with a splash of vibrant colour in a patterned tie and handkerchief in the breast pocket.

"She'll be there." I assured, still surprised she would want to go to a holy church in the first place. "Her brother is here too."

He stopped in the doorway, everyone else already clambering into their respective vehicles.

With his silence I decided to continue. "They're twins." It was a big deal as twins were rare and very powerful in every Witch community, they could also be the signs of prosperity or unfathomable darkness.

"The longer they stay, the longer they pose a risk to this community." My father's dark brows furrowed, creases lining his forehead.

"Well, that's the thing, they plan on staying." I regrettably divulged.

"Blood Witches poisoning our blessed soils." He spat as if the words were poison in his mouth and I tensed, uncomfortable beside his fury. "If we don't uproot them now, we'll be overrun before we know it." He spoke as if they were weeds in our flower fields. "We need to find a way to get rid of them."

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