Chapter one: Rebels

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1. Rebels

"Welcome to Valbridge fuckers!" I read the sign post out loud as the red mustang sped onwards.

"Damn this effect never wears off." Wellie said from the backseat.

I glanced back and Wellie has  his face buried between Juliet's tits. I scrunched my nose and he winks at me.

"Kai Pike, wake your sleepy ass up. We are about to wreck some real damage." I threw my keyholder at the said sleepy head.

Kai woke with a wince. "My head fucking throbs. Fuck this hangover."

Warm hands reached out for mine and squeezed lightly. I return the squeeze and looked up to Riley, my hearthrob, his eyes are fixed on the road before us a ghost smile trailing on his lips. I mirror his smile as I turn up the volumn of Light Me Up by Bronze Radio Return.

Holding Riley's hand, I rested my head on the headrest, enjoying the breezy night, the music and the company of my friends. Riley started to sing along the radio and I joined in, nodding my head to the music.

"Turn down the goddamn volumn." Kai groaned.

Riley cracked out a laugh, bringing my hand to his mouth and pressing a kiss. "Haters gonna hate." Riley said as he puts down the volumn.

Then Wellie and Juliet jointly let out a loud moan.

"Here we go again. Fucking rabbits in heat." I mumbled out, glaring at Wellie. Through the TK light of the car, Juliet is straddling Wellie in her flimsy dress, grinding her hip to Wellie's.

Kai cussed.

I closed my eyes, blocking Juliet's annoying high pitch moaning sound, focusing on Riley's hands in mine.

School resumed three days from today and I wasn't ready. Riley, Kai, Wellie, Juliet and I were just returning from our hoilday Trip to Maple. My cellphone pinged and I veered to the lightened screen. The time was 1AM. I unlocked my phone and reluctanly clicked on the inbox. It was a message from dad.


I ignored the message.

Talk to me, Maeve. I'm worry sick.

I clicked my tongue.

Baby girl, tell me where you are let me come get you.

I ignored the message again. I wasn't his baby girl anymore. That ship sailed. Long, long ago. In fact, I'm eighteen now. So according to the constitution I wasn't a child.

Don't tell me you are still hanging out with those good for nothings?

I huffed and snapped out a reply.


Without waiting for his comeback, I switched off my phone.

"Let me guess, Sheriff Morrison?" Riley who was peering at me from the corner of his eyes asked.

I nodded in reply. "Daddy dearest."

I saw questions written over Riley's face but he didn't bother to ask them. I didn't want him to ask though. Not that I would reply him. Riley just knew I hated dad and I hanged out with him and did crazy shit to piss dad off. A mischeivous glint darts towards Riley's eyes. "Lets announce our presence in a way that's unique to us."

"Fuck yes!" Wellie grunted.

I rolled my eyes. Not sure if Wellie was replying to Riley or encouraging Juliet to dry hump him harder.

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