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~15 minutes later~
I was on the ground, with slight tears in my eyes, as they walked away. I heard footsteps so I just sat there pretending I was taking a small nap. 

Suddenly I felt someone shaking me. "Y/n? C'mon wake up! I got the snacks!!" Silver said sounding cheerful so I nodded and got up. We headed back and the timer went off. I turned it off and told Kacey we had to head back now.

We went back to his parents and went home. Well at least to Kacey's house. 

The moment we got there I felt safer but still scared. I mean how would you feel after you got sexually assaulted by two guys who're your best friend's friends (tongue twister ik;-;). I just ran into the room Daniel made for me. Obviously I worried the pair and their son. Daniel made the other two stay back and he came to talk to me. Only to see me quietly crying while in ball holding a plushie he got me. He ran over and started trying to comfort me. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" He asked worriedly. I was shaking but he was rubbing circles on my back and talking softly as well as his scent just comforted me. 

I eventually had enough courage to tell him what happened....

I was now pinned against both lust filled boys. The moment I opened my mouth to say something Cameron moved closer trying to kiss me but he wasn't able to be I moved my head. He was pissed so he roughly put his shirt around my mouth. I was scared for my life not knowing how far these boys would take it. 

They eventually took off my shirt and started marking me with hickeys and bit me here and there and spanked me thinking I liked it and they whispered sweet nothings all while I was now sobbing. I didn't like this feeling, I didn't want to be touched, I wanted so badly to just push them off but I couldn't because Alexander had some twine around my wrists. They eventually lowered my pants and marked me there as well, they licked my heat but I just squirmed around feeling uncomfortable and hating this whole thing. Eventually they got annoyed and hurt me a bit. I stayed quiet and stopped moving. 

They didn't think I was much fun anymore so they left me to cry on my own....

Which led me to be sitting on the ground, hugging my legs and burying my face in my legs as I cried slightly to try and make sure not to annoy them. Before they left they obviously untied me to make it less suspicious...

I was now also fully clothed..

~End of flashback~
I hated it, I hated what had happened but I couldn't do anything about it besides sobbing into Daniel's arms and telling him everything. I knew he was furrious but he just held me to make sure I was okay and somewhat feeling better.

After what seemed like hours I was finally calmed down and I laid in the bed as Daniel called my parents to tell them  I was going to stay over for the night due to a couple issues. 

After the call he came over to me and tried to figure out on how to get rid of the hickeys I had. He hurridely tried almost everything and anything but they'd still take a while to get rid of. He gave me his sweater so I could walk around the house till I had actual clothes to be in. 

Once we went downstairs the other two looked at me worriedly. "She's alright, she was just tired and didn't have any clothes, she was also just really not in the mood since her head hurt so I had to help her out" Daniel lied for me and I smiled softly. "Yeah sorry for worrying you guys" I said rubbing my nape. Kacey came up to me and hugged me which caught me off guard. I obviously hugged back. "You smell like someone else.." He mumbled but he didn't seem happy about it. "Bud, I hugged everyone" I said laughing slightly and he pouted. "You didn't hug me while we were there" He pouted and I stifled a laugh. "Sorry, I didn't realize it" I said now rustling his hair slightly as we pulled away. 

He saw a slight mark on me and was confused.  I looked at him in confusion, "What's up?" I asked and he was about to pull down the sweater I had but I reached my hand out as if it was a handshake and he looked confused till I brought him closer to me and I stood on my toes as he bent slightly and I whispered. "It's rude and indecent to do that you know.." I said a bit flirtatiously. 

Mind you. I've NEVER used this tone with Kacey, he's also never seen me do this in this type of way. We pulled away and he looked at me shocked. I realize what I did and took a step or two back and looked at the ground. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that.." I said quietly and he just kept looking at me and I started panicking slightly till he brought me into a hug which surprised me.

"KISS" Both parents yelled and Kacey was confused. I looked at the parents with a glare and they quieted down. "You need clothes?" Kacey asked and I rubbed my nape and nodded with a sheepish smile. He chuckled and dragged me into his room. He gave me clothes and plopped onto his bed while on his phone. I went into his bathroom and changed. Luckily for me they covered my markings. I walked out and Kacey seemed to be in a very drawn in call with someone. I walked over but he didn't notice me. I looked at the door and walked over to it and he noticed as soon as I left.

"Hey, I'll be back give me a few minutes" He said kindly and went after you.

"Y/n?" He called out and he saw you. He walked over and you turned to face him.

"Kacey?" I asked confused and he chuckled. "Why're you surprised to see me, this is my house too ya know" He joked around and I giggled softly and nodded. "What're you doing here" He pouted slightly. "Oh- uh I was getting snacks" I said showing him some chips I had in hand and he smiled. He ran into his room and I walked behind him with the snacks in hand.

When he got on his bed he continued talking and I wanted to talk and have fun with him but I guess I didn't want to bother him. I was about to go somewhere else till Kacey grabbed my arm while still talking to his friend and gave me his signature warm smile. I smiled back and laid on him. So now I was on his while my head was laying on his chest and he had an arm around me as I laid in between his legs. 

He eventually hunng up on his friend and talked with me which made me happy. We ate the snacks and had an amazing time (Not  in a dirty way, chill-_-.)(Not yet at least👀). 

"Kacey"  I called out and he hummed in response. I stayed quiet for a second and was procrastinating if I should tell him or not. I was about to shake it off till he held me tighter which surprised me. "I don't know if you're scared to tell me something or worried I'll do something to you or anything around those lines but I promise you... I'm here for you for whatever you need..." He said soothingly which made me get a bit flustered. 

I took in a deep breath and then sighed. "Alright.." I said and he was being patient, he was running his hands through my hair while rubbing my back a bit. "My ex is back.. along with a girl who hurt me pretty badly but I never told you she hurt me.... it was during the days I cancelled out on you remember..?" I told him and his movements seemed to stop. I bit my lip a bit, it was usually something I did when I was bored or when I was really nervous. He made me look at him, "Alright now.." He started and I looked a bit confused. "I also want to know why there are bruises on you" He said coldly and my eyes went wide.

"Kace..." I started but the words I had to say got stuck in my throat..

My little pure boy (A rewrite of my first book TwT)Where stories live. Discover now