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We live in constant darkness, and we walk in different ways, sometimes we fall, at other times we stand, and there is no stability. We always want to know the future, and regret the past, as if the present does not exist. And life is an interesting story, with all its subtle details that made it unique, with its coherent plot and its interesting and continuous events since ancient times. Infinite things surround us in this vast universe, they may sometimes seem to us without value, and in fact they are the most important things in this world, hence the necessity to give these details importance in our life. Giving value to those details implicitly assigning value to oneself, as the human being is part of these important specifics.
Then comes the role of the mind in determining life plans and defining a clear methodology for each individual. But the most important thing is to find a clear goal in our lives and live to achieve it –In this context, let everyone ask himself: What is my goal in this life?– about 95 percent of people don't have a clear answer and don't even know! Before answering such a question, it is essential to know the importance of having a clear purpose in life. On the one hand, the importance is that you will be able to achieve the goals faster and better, and on the other hand it will make you happier because things become clear and the closer you get to achieving it, that makes you happier. So how is it possible to define a goal? And the answer to that is trough four important points. First, identifying things that we always wanted to do and would feel proud of, with this in mind, we must secondly choose a job we love to do, even if without any compensation, third, you must think about a skill that you are good at and that others can benefit from, and last but not least, try to think how you can change the lives of others and leave a fingerprint in their souls

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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