Chapter 4

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︎ © 2015 Beth1976
All Rights Reserved

Chapter 4

This was beginning to really scare her. She would play smart. Jade was not a dumb girl, she knew that his power was a dangerous thing, men like him did not take no for an answer. She would play nice, for a little while, just until she figured out his game, she would do whatever necessary to find out what she needed to know so she could make her decision...that being how to escape him if need be.

After that night, they did not really speak about why she was there, she went to work, returned by Sean chaperoning her, had meals with Luke and Dean and slept. Not much interaction at all. What started to make her questions his motives for having her around more was when he brought a stunning woman over who spent the night.

She did not spend it in his room, another guest room which was on the floor level, but Jade was certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that they had sex. The look in the morning on that woman's face who's name she now knew a Ivy was one of satisfaction.

Despite herself Jade felt jealous, a little betrayed, even though she was the one who constantly reminded Dean that nothing was going to come out of their relationship.

Ivy smiled as she joined them for breakfast on the saturday morning. "So are you his sister?" Ivy asked Jade.

"No" Jade replied so casually.

"Oh..." she looked over at Dean as if waiting to know who she was and why she was here. Dean just winked at Ivy, Ivy did not ask anymore.

How would she explain to people why she lived with Dean Malloy? She was nothing to him, not even a contender for a relationship it would seem. He had not made any attempt to touch her at all, not in the two and half weeks that they had been living under the same roof.

Next Friday night after work, Jade walked into Dean's office asking if she could have a word with him. He nodded and indicated for her to take a seat. He just got off the phone, now leaning back in his chair he looked intimidating as hell.

"Um...Hey, just wanted to tell you I'm going out tonight, so I won't be having dinner with you guys tonight" His honied coloured eyes darkened. He licked his lips running a hand over his sexy mouth.

"Your going where and with whom?" she did not like this part of the arrangement, she never agreed to explaining herself, but so far he had stayed true to his word and denied her nothing.

"Con...Just a customer..." she saw how dark his eyes became. Biting the inside of her mouth she began to panic a little. Still he had no right to act as though she could not date, who the hell was he?

"Jade...I don't like this..." Jade opened her eyes wide. "You dating, it does not sit well with me...I am going to have to decline your request to leave..." okay she was so not expecting that.

"What?" she did not hear him right, no way did she hear him right.

"No date, I'm afraid your staying in tonight" she shook her head in disbelief.

"That was not part of our deal...I have my life, I can go and come as I please...that was not part of the deal, you have no right to tell me where I can or can't go" she said snapping. Her confusion at the way he acted like he owned her really was starting to worry her.

"Okay, then if you insist on going, go" he said shocking her. Jade squinted her eyes at him.

"Dean, you are making this very..."

"No...I am making this are making this something...I said wish to go, then I will not stop you" what?

"Good, because I am going" she said getting up and storming out of the office slamming the door in frustration. How dare he...this was bad, she really did not get it. He did not even act as though she was anybody all day everyday, yet as soon as she mentioned leaving he became all possessive like.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2015 ⏰

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