The Three Degrees Of Glory

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Let's start simple.

In Universe 350, the afterlife is more complex then Heaven or Hell. Once you die, there's a 1,000 years of emptiness. Then, 'The Decision.'

If you're good, you go to The Sun Kingdom, and become a Celestial. Under rule of Avel Celestial. The people with rule of sunshine, happiness, and bravery.

If you're okay, the in between of good and bad, you go to The Moon Kingdom, and become a Terrestial, your Queen being Neoma Terrestial. Terrestials have possession of wisdom, adventure, and survival.

And lastly, if you're bad, or evil, you go to The Star Kingdom, ruler being Syla Telestial. The kingdom of villiany, witchcraft, and pain.

Celestials have the most power out of the Three Kingdoms, and Telestials have the least.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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