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Hi, my name is Summer Nicole Evans. Yeah, Evans as in Chris Evans, the famous Captain America. My mom is Scarlett Johanson. Mom and dad met on set of the Avengers, and they were best friends at first, but 10 years later, here we are with them married, and having me and my twin sister Elle. You must think that being the daughters of two very famous people would be great, right? Wrong. Mom and dad are super busy on their movies, that we barely get to see them half of the time. Mom had Elle and I  stay with the Harper's in Boulder, Colorado, to do our schooling and to  try and be normal kids. I was pretty homesick at first, but I'm used to it now. Mom and dad met the Harper's at a meet and greet, and they all soon became great friends. So Elle and I grew up with their quadruplet kids, Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn.  Dawn, Elle I hit it off instantly, and have been best friends ever since. Ricky,  Dicky and I are close, but now as close as Dawn and I.  The only Harper Quad  I'm not close with anymore is Nicky. When we were little, Nicky and I were super close, but as we grew up, he didn't want to talk to me as much. I don't know what I did, and I wish I knew. Anyway, tommorow is our first day of highschool, and I'm super nervous.

Hi guys! This is my first story, so I'm sorry if it's bad. I hope you enjoyed the backstory and don't be afraid to comment!

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