Day of Silence

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Hey, friends. I'm finally updating. I just wanted to let you know, though, about the importance of today.

Today's date is 23 April, 2021. Today is the Day of Silence to spread awareness that transgender, gay, lesbian, non-binary, questioning, and bisexual people are getting bullied and harassed. I hope that we can stop all of this together and make the world a better place because of it. 

If you are getting bullied or harassed, please tell someone you trust. Anyone, including a friend. Anyone can help. It is easier to entrust an adult with this because the adult could help you more in terms of stopping in the bullying or harassment, but please just tell someone. Please don't try to deal with this yourself.

On another note, I think I'll start an awareness book and talk about different things in there. Please stay safe and wear a mask. I love you all. Have a wonderful rest of the week!

For more information about Day of Silence:


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