The Meeting

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Colette and Valerie have been friends since the start summer 2019,  Colette was staying at her grandparents house for the summer, her grandparents lived on a dirt road that had a few other houses on it.  She had gone outside for a walk and Her grandpa's dog had followed her on her walk, while she was out walking and playing fetch with the dog, then she sees a teen with shoulder length black hair, that looks to be around her age sitting on a front porch.  She waved and smiled and it gave Colette a warm feeling inside, she waved back and continued throwing the stick for the dog and walking along the road.  Her grandmother had asked her to get the mail at the start of the road before she left and so after waving to the teen she kept walking along and still had the dog following her she got the mail and went back to her grandparents house, while walking back she had looked at the house where the person she had seen was sitting but did not see anybody.  She had gotten back to the house and went inside gave her grandmother the mail and went up stairs where she was staying, she had turned on an old game system that was in the room she was staying in and played a few games until dinner time with her grandparents.  Her grandmother had called her down for dinner and that after dinner she wats colette to meet somebody.

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