Till The Last Leaf Dies.

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The rain no longer seemed calming. It never will be.

Shouto Todoroki walked on the pavement, the ground reflecting his face due to the rain. The ground must be disgusted, reflecting the face of such a liar.

He continued walking, his umbrella shielding him from the rain, the soft crunch of his boots echoing in his ears.

He looked away, not being able to bear to look at himself any longer.

Kids being held back by their parents, preventing them from getting wet in the rain, people waiting for their buses or ride, not wanting to get wet, couples standing under a single umbrella, laughing merrily-

That used to be him and Izuku.

He turned his head, back towards the ground, not bothering to care when he stepped on an exceptionally big puddle and splashed his jeans. He no longer cared.

He didn't like this, he didn't like this at all. Everything reminded him of Izuku, every single thing reminded him of Izuku.

He bit his cheek, a big lump forming in his throat, anger boiling from beneath.

Why did it have to be him of all people? Shouto knew this was not the attitude one must keep for being a hero, but he'd fallen hard for the green-haired boy. So hard that he was willing to lose his own life if it meant protecting him.

He took a turn, the one that led him to his house, a house that he used to call home.

The rain continued, but the loud pour was now simply a drizzle, the sun breaking through the clouds; the honey-rich color contrasting among the dark clouds made for a perfect scene, a picture-perfect scene you could say, the warm sun blossoming into an apricot-orange.

Izuku would've shined if he were to see this. A grin blossoming onto his face, his whole body bouncing, requesting Shouto to take a picture. Then blushing when Shouto would tell him that he reminded him of the Sun. A bright ball of energy, providing life to the ones crying in the dark, begging for some light, some light that will lead them out of here.

Shouto hadn't realized that tears were now pricking his eyes, the pain searing his eyeballs, enough for him to realize that he should maybe let it run down.

Hot tears ran down his face, the self resentment on a full blow right now.

He increased his pace, arriving in front of his house, fumbling with his keys, tears running down his face.

As he locked the door, his breaths were short and fast. He couldn't see anything, his vision blurred due to the tears.

He slid down the door, his legs no longer moving, his brain sluggish. He couldn't move his mouth. He wanted to scream so badly yet his lips remained stuck, the only noise he made turned out to be whimpers.

Finally, when he unglued his lips, a bloodcurdling scream escaped his mouth. His tears seemed like water dribbling down an open tap.

His hands were shaking, his legs asleep even though he hadn't been here for so long and his throat hoarse.

He was a horrible person. He was a disgusting liar. He had promised to keep him safe. Not to him, but himself.

And here he was, breaking his promise. Breaking his promise that meant so much to him.

He lifted his head to look around the big house. Plants adorned the house, small tapestries hanging from some walls. He gave all the plants an equal amount of attention, which wasn't much, but one plant, no succulent, caught his attention.

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