Sunset Curve

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It was now lunch and the group had yet to meet each other but I told Reggie,Alex and Luke to come to the bench at lunch to meet the others. I was so nervous I just hope they all like each other.

Me,Stiles,Lydia,Scott and Isaac were all at the bench talking, only me and Lydia new that the boys would be sitting with us. I finally saw the boys walking out the door looking for me, they saw me and starting walking over. I looked at Lydia and she gave me a look like everything is going to be ok, she gives me that look a lot, the boys came to the bench "guys these are my friends Luke,Reggie and Alex" I said introducing them, "hey everyone" Alex said with a smile. "Hey I'm Lydia and this Scott,Isaac and Stiles" "hey" stiles said staring the boys down. I Nudged his shoulder to get him to stop, "sit down guys" I said tapping the bench.

We all sat down and talking, it was all going great and the nervous I had quickly went away. But then Luke stood up and said "everyone we have an announcement" I looked up at luke confused, he said "Ella yesterday when we met I heard you sing and you are so amazing me,Reggie and Alex would love for you to join sunset curve" I was so shocked of all the things that I thought could of happened today this was not one off them, I looked over at stiles and he seemed not angry but upset.

*Stiles POV*
When Luke asked Ella to join their band I was so happy for her because I knew how much she loved singing and how much it would mean to her to be in the band but a part of me was sad because I knew that she would have to sing with Luke and I have seen the way he looks at her it just doesn't feel right to me especially after our past

*Ellas POV*
After I looked at Stiles I hesitated a little because after our past even though what happened hurt me so much I still never like seeing him down but I needed to do what was right for me "yes I will join sunset curve" I said with a big smile, everyone was cheering and screaming "OMG my best friend is going to be in a band this is so amazing" Lydia said so excited "OUR best friend" Scott,Isaac and stiles shouted, they do that a lot.

I was so excited that this was happening I have always wanted to be in a band but I don't know why a part of me felt horrible for making stiles feel upset even though this is what I wanted, it really hurt me seeing him like that but it shouldn't not after what happened....

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