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Grace' P. O. V:

I changed into my pj, brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I cuddled under my blankets and and got steeped by my pillows. Oh, my lovely pillows. I grabbed my phone and turned it on

-You have six new messages and a snapchat from sweetiepie23.

Was printed on the screen. I unlocked it and checked my meassages. Chain letters. Omg, always the same. Nobody ever texted me. I was what you would call: A loner.

I threw my phone on my table and turned off the light. I struggled with taking my socks off, only using my feet.

I was kinda weird.

Soon or later i feel into a deep sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night.

-3.46 am, my phone nearly whispered.

I laid it under my pillow and tried to fall asleep. But something nagged me. I sat up and looked around. Everything looked normal. But....

Over and out:)

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