Chapter 1

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As a narrator, I'm sure you're dying to know how Zaeda Sora met the princeling, Cooler. Well, I hope you came prepared with a cup of tea because I'm about to share with you a story of how a simple stable girl became a royal horse rider. It all started back when she was just a young little boy. Mind you, this was way before she changed her sex. She never felt right around the horses as a male, so her mother let her dress up in anything she liked. When she changed her sex, she knew everything was going to be fine and everything in her life was perfect. But not till one fateful day when her mother had fallen ill to a serious illness...

"Mom? Are you sure I should leave you here? What if you need help?" the young girl asked, desperately wanting to stay. Her mother smiled reassuringly as she held her trans daughter close. "Don't you worry, my little dove. I need you to find some work so we can survive. You don't need to worry about me." Zaeda was afraid of leaving her mother alone but she had to listen. "Zaeda... If the king wishes to know your sex, tell him you are a male. He must not know about your true identity..." Zaeda nods then heads off, getting her pony saddled up to find work so her mother could survive the illness that had befallen her. "Don't worry, Cocoa, mom will be fine for a little bit by herself. Once we find work, we will return and make sure she's alright." Zaeda reassured the worried pony. Once Cocoa settled down, the girl mounted up onto her horse and started heading to the king's palace for work, listening to some music along the way there. After a few times, she memorized the words and started playing her guitar to keep her horse happy and calm. The journey there took a few hours to get there, but she made it without any incidents.

Once they arrived, Cocoa stopped in the grass by the entrance to the palace, allowing Zaeda to get down from the saddle. She looked at the enormous palace before her and took a deep breath, preparing to harden her nerves. She gives Cocoa a carrot before going up to the door and giving it a knock. She patiently waited for someone to answer the door, hoping her dressage outfit would work to impress the king. The door slowly opened and revealed one of Frieza's servants, Appule. "Ah, Zaeda Sora. And what do I owe you for this visit?" He asked as he let her inside. Zaeda looked around for a moment before answering his question, "I came to speak with your lordship, King Cold. Is he available by chance, Appule?" She asked in curiosity. Appule nods and leads her to King Cold's office, knocking on the door to get his attention. "Your Majesty, Zaeda Sora wishes to speak with you." The king looked up from his paperwork and ushered Zaeda to enter as Appule went to continue along with his usual business. The small girl took a look around the office in awe of the many pieces of art hanging on the walls, along with the bookshelves about the history of horses and the many races among the galaxy, making her way to the seat in front of King Cold.

"It is an absolute honor to meet you, my beloved king." Zaeda complimented, trying her hardest to be respectful and polite. King Cold just smiled back and shook her hand when she offered it, "The honor is mine, sonny. Tell me, why have you come to my humble abode?" She adjusted the way she sat and kept her back straight. "My mother has fallen ill with an almost incurable illness. I am hoping to find work that will help her get the medicine she needs to try and fight it off" she spoke with full honesty. "Ah, I believe I can arrange such a thing for you. Due to the lack of missions, some of the servants here don't seem to be taking care of the horses we have here. I have a free stall for your horse when you are here to care for the 500 horses I have. The pay for the stable care will be 1500 zeni an hour. I do hope it is not an issue for you, correct?" the king spoke as she paid close attention, expecting her to oblige. "O-Of course, your lordship. The pay will be just fine. Anything will do." Zaeda responded, wanting to please the king and stay on his good side. "Good. You shall start tomorrow morning at dawn and care for them every day. If you prove useful for their care, I will see that you are paid well for your time" the king acknowledged. All she did was bow her head in response, ready to start working right then and there. "You may leave. I have important business to finish." the king shooed, letting her leave. Zaeda got up from the chair she sat upon and bowed, heading back outside to her pony who was laying in the grass, enjoying the sunlight.

"Hey Cocoa. I got a job as a stable hand. You can even have your very own stall when I'm working." She said excitedly, ready to deliver the news to her mother. The pony stood happily, letting her rider mount onto the saddle and carried her home. As she left, one of the royal sons couldn't help but watch her on her way. If things seemed good for her, just wait for them to be good for him when she starts working. Hopefully his brother will behave as she works for the royal family.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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