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Florence woke in her bed that morning as the sun streamed in from an open window shaft, unusual in winter. She looked around, most girls seemed to be asleep so it must be early. As soon as she stood out of bed, her toes cold and smooth on the polished wood floors, the memory of last night came flooding back, and she leaned back into the golden sunbeam to enjoy the memory. Evy's lips on hers... her hands on her back, making her shiver with delight... it had been a slow kiss, gentle and loving, and Florence had been shocked at the passion it had stirred up in her, at the heat it had made in her body... still, neither of them wanted to go further, it felt enough, maybe time would tell but who could say...
She turned her head to the very opposite side of the room, where Evy lay sleeping in her little bed, her perfect nose slightly quivering, the freckles that Florence loved barely distinguishable from this far away. They had lain together on the table, bodies cupped together, Florence had felt the vibrations in her chest when Evy had asked "Do you regret it?" And she remembered the warmth in her own as she had replied "Not at all."

Now, wishing away the unattractive swollen nose and frizzy hair that she woke up with, she grabbed a towel from the basket and sped off to the bathroom. It wasn't steamy yet, but it still smelled pleasantly, like violets and cream and apples and pine needles. Florence slipped into a stall, humming with happiness and satisfaction. Next to her another girl slipped in, one who recognised the humming and had seen her empty bed and was planning an ambush. For, quick as a wink, when Florence turned away, Evy slid into her stall and surprised her friend by kissing her straight on her lips. Florence started in surprise, then leaned into it, drinking in her warmth, and their bodies started to move in harmony together, the slippery skin rubbing against the others with pleasurable warmth. Evy picked her up, she was tall and felt how Florence's body seamlessly pulled and swayed and fit in her hands, and she pushed her against a wall, gently, with care, and Florence whispered her name as she nuzzled into the familiar scent of her hair. They pulled apart, Florence still giggling at the shock she had received. Both girls were flushed and looked at each other with so much care in their eyes.
"Did you check the other stalls?" Florence whispered, the sliver of a worry dissipated as Evy nodded and whispered "They're's nobody here." Then, they went upon their business, chatting and cleaning themselves as though every touch their skin would make didn't send a shock spinning through their body.

Evy picked up her shampoo bottle, and then hesitated and grabbed Florence's instead.
"I guess I better start using wizard shampoo again," she giggled, but Florence snatched it out of her hands and said with surprising certainty "Don't you dare."

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