Chapter 1: Prophesies

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AN: This takes place after 'The Last Olympian' and before 'The Lost Hero'. Meaning that Percy is not missing yet.

Third POV:

Percy, Annabeth and Lily, Percy's twin sister, were having a walk by the camp borders near the beach. That's when they saw nine objects in the sky, heading straight towards them.

"Hey, What are those things they are coming towards us." Lily said being confused.

Percy looked at the water being confused but not because of the same reason.

"Where?" He asked. 

"In the sky, idiot," his sister responded responded.

"Ohh, those don't look good." Percy stated.

"Annabeth, get Chiron here. Tell him about those flying things." Percy commanded, going from joking to completely serious in less than a second.

Annabeth ran towards the Big House while the flying objects were getting closer. They almost looked like bubbles with something inside of them. Wait. They were bubbles with someone inside of them.

"Lily help me make them land in the water."

"I don't think that is going to work they are coming toward us too fast."

They were moving too fast. They crashed on the ground, leaving a crater in the shape of a paw print.

There were nine people, well, 7 people, a skeleton and a reindeer. They were all alive fortunately, as they moved a little before passing out, again.

When Chiron arrived, he asked Annabeth to tell the Apollo cabin to get there immediately; and told Percy to consult the oracle, while Lily would look after the strangers in the strangely shaped craters.

Percy POV:

I went to visit my friend, Rachel, in her cave. She must be pretty bored. She has a lot of paintings in her cave, she loves art. The last time I painted something I made a mess, I had accidentally spilled the paint all over the carpet. I cleaned the carpet to the best of my abilities but there is still a giant green paint spot, to this day and Lily still makes fun of me every time she sees that green spot.

Stupid ADHD.

I had arrived at the oracle's cave.

"Hi, Rachel"

"Percy!" Rachel exclaimed happily. "What are you doing here?" She asked. Then she saw the concerned look on Percy's face. "You aren't just checking up with a friend are you?" She said. Percy sighed. "Eight people and a small reindeer came crashing in giant bubbles, just outside the camp borders, " explained Percy.

"Wow, the longer I stay in camp, the weirder things get-" Rachel gasped, quickly sitting down.

The oracle took over her body.

Nine from another world,

Shall train hard to fight in the war.

When they're done, they shall be separated,

So more of their power shall be activated.

Poseidon's children shall befriend the captain,

Or the war shall be lost, the eight shall fall,

And the Earth shall rise once more.

Rachel regained control over her body. "What did I say?" asked Rachel.

I repeated the prophesy to her. "Oh, no. This is bad." She said. Both of us were as pale as ghosts. The words of the prophesy boomed in my head. Another war? Why couldn't the fates just give us a break?! We just fought in a war!

I left to tell Chiron about the prophesy. I went to the Big House and found Chiron talking to Annabeth while playing pinochle with Mr. D.

"Hello, Percy." Greeted Chiron. "Where are the 9 people?" I asked. "Well, so far we have figured out that they are not demigods, since they couldn't pass through the barrier, so I granted them passage as they still needed medical assistance. They are still unconscious at the moment with your sister and Will looking after them. Any luck with the oracle?" Chiron asked. "I wouldn't exactly call it luck." I said. I told them about the prophesy. Once I was finished even Mr. D's face showed pure shock, fear and sadness. He just lost a son in the titan war, and now there is going to be another war, with a PRIMORDIAL.

"The prophesy of the eight," Chiron muttered under his breath. His eyes wide in shock. "This prophesy is connected with the prophesy of the eight!" Chiron begun to recite the prophesy of the eight, as they called it.

Eight half-bloods shall answer the call,

To storm or fire the world must fall.

Pirates shall go on board,

As time stays still in their world.

An oath to keep with a final breath,

And foes bear arms to the doors of death.

"In the most recent prophesy it says 'or the war shall be lost, eight shall fall', it is referring to the Eight half-bloods. This prophesy is terrible, if Percy and Lily don't befriend this so called captain..." Mr. D and Chiron made the sign to ward off evil. "The mother Earth will awaken from her slumber."

Suddenly Will, a child of Apollo burst through the door. His face was as red as a tomato, he was hunched over trying to catch his breath.

"The guy with *gasp* the straw hat *gasp* just woke up*gasp*." He said between gasps.

"Hey! Where am I ?! This place is so cool!" exclaimed the guy with the straw hat.

You cold hear Lily shouting in the background.


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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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