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Hireath (n

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(n.) a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return to.

Henrik Jensen an orphan that just happened to be in the care of Donya Madani at the same time as Karli Morgenthau. They soon became inseparable. You could not see one without the other.

Their friendship only grew into something more beautiful, their love became in love.

They dreamed to be able to owned a house in a nice neighborhood with three children, Karli leaving to work as a teacher while Henrik searched for an opportunity to be an actor.

However, both of them knew that for them to pursue the dream of a family together would have to be postponed until they achieved their goal.

Both of them knew they were each other's home, but they did not know that one of them will get a feeling of Hireath.

This is the second book of the second part of The Soldier Saga

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This is the second book of the second part of The Soldier Saga. These book will be the second shortest book from the Saga. As it only covers a couple of scenes and episodes of TFATWS.

This book will contain gifs that might not be likeable by some readers. They are not gifs that I personally considered gruesome, but gifs that do have a bit of blood.

Tissues will be needed!!

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