Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven:

The Search Begins or Not

It’s been days since I had my dream of choosing Jacob over Edward. But the fact that Edward was in my shadows it made me realize that maybe he does love me. I just don’t know why he left me! Jacobs been busy with patrolling since Sam and Emily left for a couple of days.  I’ve had a lot of free time to think and that is not a good thing. I’m supposed to be happy and thinking about Jacob but instead I’m wondering about the Cullen’s. Ever since the incident with James I decided that I wanted to become a vampire. Maybe that it if I become a vampire he would want me back! I was getting all excited now all I need is a vampire. Then it hit me Jacob. I can’t do anything to hurt him. I’m in love with Jacob but my one and only true love is Edward. No matter what happens my heart belongs to him. I’m not sure if I will ever be able to forget the love bond that Edward and me had.

I was totally out of it today when I notice what time it was I was shock. I spend all the morning and the afternoon thinking about everything and I lost track of time. Charlie was going to be here in less than an hour and I still haven’t done dinner. I looked around the kitchen and decided on cooking something simple pasta Alfredo. Since the noodles didn’t take long I decided on the sauce. The pasta was done in less than half an hour and Charlie was due any minute. I went up to my room and freshen up. I don’t want him seem me in my pajamas he would start to worry. After doing my hair I notice something I hadn’t had time to miss Jacob and it started to happen now. Something in me click and I wanted to have Jacob next to him. Since I did make enough food for more than 5 people I decided to ring Billy and Jacob.

I went straight to the phone as I headed downstairs. I was about to ring Jake’s house when I remember that he wasn’t at home. I just hope that he is not at his wolf form. I dialed his number but after the 5th ring I decided to give up. I dialed Jake’s house and Billy picked up.

            “Hello?” asked Billy

            “He Billy” I asked

            “Bella what gives the joy of hearing your voice?” asked Billy

            “Actually I wanted to invite you and Jake over dinner” I asked

            “Depends on what your making?” he asked teasing

            “Ummm…actually nothing that special just pasta Alfredo” I told him

            “Bella it sure is better than what I made” he joked

            “And that would be…” I trailed off

            “Cold sandwiches” he teased

            “Okay ill call Charlie and make him pick you up” I told him

            “No need I’ll tell Jacob to drives us there” he told me

            “I dough you can get a hold of him I tried his phone but he didn’t pick up” I told him

            “Don’t worry well be there in about 20 minutes” he told me

            “Sure sure…I’ll see you in a bit Billy” I told him

            “Bye Bells” he said and the line went dead

I smile at myself after nearly days of not seeing Jacob I’m finally going to see him. Even though we have known since like childhood I don’t think I have ever been so close to him. I know that the only reason why I looked for him in the first place was to get a hold of the illusions that I get of Edward. After nearly two years of me being reckless with him the illusions did not caught me off guard. I do get them when Jacob starts to shake and get ready to phase I would hear Edwards voice telling me to step back or leave him. I have never been hurt by Jacob except this one time…

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