Waves... And Magic (Harry's POV)

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I was sitting on the grass with Ron and Hermione when the waves began to crash bigger than before. I looked up, and saw about 30 feet downstream a boy. He crawled out of the lake, completely dry.

He slammed a fist on the ground, and screamed in pain and grief. A million emotions that tore me apart. He had black hair, and looked pretty sturdily built. The waves behind him began raging more and more.

He didn't seem to care. He pulled out a sword and positioned it so he could plunge it straight through his gut. Dumbledore came out and waved a hand. The boy collapsed, his sword falling beside him.

The waves immediately vanished, and the earth, which I hadn't realized was shaking, came to a stop. Dumbledore walked up to the boy and felt his neck. He called for Madame Pomphrey. Now, I noticed more about the boy. He looked about our age.

He was sturdily built, and had scars and bruises, even some open wounds all over his body. He was also clearly thin and acrobatic. Madame Pomphrey came out and pulled the boy onto a stretcher. Then, Dumbledore called me over.

He said, "Harry, you, Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley and Mr. Malfoy must come to my office immediately." I nodded, and we argued over who would get Malfoy. I lost the argument, and I had to go get him.

When we came in, Draco was smirking slightly at the fact I was now an "errand boy". I hate him. Dumbledore said, "I have no idea who gave me the limited information I have. But, this boy needs to be cared for by students his age. And you four have been requested by name."

I glanced at Malfoy, glaring at him. He sneered back at me. Dumbledore said, "You four are to keep him alive. He wants to die, for whatever reason. So, you have to work together. Keep him happy. He can't lose control like that again."

We nodded, and I could tell Malfoy wanted to talk back, but he also knew better than to talk back to Dumbledore. We slowly made our way to the Hospital wing. I turned to Malfoy and said, "We have to get along."

He sneered, and said, "Sure Potter. We'll also tell each other all our secrets and have a sleepover." I rolled my eyes and said, "Whatever." Hermione said, "So, how are we going to do this?"

I said, "Maybe we should start with a name?" Malfoy rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever. Let's just go." He banged open the door and walked in, almost like Snape.

I walked up to his bed. He was lying unconscious on the bed. He looked stressed, even sleeping. Aren't you supposed to look calm when sleeping? He shifted, and groaned slightly. We watched him for a moment, before he shot straight up.

His eyes stared around wildly. Only now did I notice his bright green eyes. They were impossible to explain. They looked like shattered sea glass, that had a million emotions pushing against the already shattered glass. I noticed anger, grief, sadness and a million other unidentified emotions swirling in a sea storm just behind his eyes.

He said "Annabeth." I said, "Uh, who?" He looked at each of us, and said, "Is she here? Wait. No. No. NO!" He jumped up, and despite his enormous amount of injuries, he leapt up. Hermione said, "Whoa. Slow down."

I heard the waves crashing again and he crouched, covering his head. I looked around at the people who had gotten hurt in the last earthquake he had caused. I said, "Hermione, more people are gonna get hurt."

Immediately the waves stopped, and the subtle shaking froze. He slowly stood, and winced. He said, "Who's hurt." Malfoy said, "Why would you care?" Hermione glared at him but the boy had already turned to a boy laying on a bed. He was definitely a first year, and a bandage was wrapped around his arm.

It looked broken. He looked a little afraid of the boy as he approached the kid. The boy crouched beside his bed. He smiled. I could barely tell it was forced. Otherwise, it radiated a warmth he must have had a long time ago.

He said, "Hey, kid. You okay?" The boy said, "Yeah. I hurt my arm." The boy said, "Oh no. Can I show you a magic trick?" The boy nodded eagerly. The guy said, "Okay. But it has to be our secret. Okay?" He was still giving that slightly forced smile, and he covered his mouth with a finger.

The boy nodded eagerly, and the guy reached for the water at the boy's bedside table, and it crept up the guy's arm. I'm a wizard, and I was entranced as the water crawled over his arm.

Then, the guy placed the tip of his finger on the kids arm. Suddenly, the boy gasped, then began to move his arm. The guy grinned, and said, "Remember..." The boy cut him off, "Our secret."

The guy smiled and said, "You go have fun, okay?" The boy nodded, and jumped out of his bed. The guy stood, and took a sharp intake of air, but started to move to the next bed. But, his knee buckled, and he knelt for a moment.

But, he stood again, and walked to the next bed. Hermione grabbed his arm. The guy flinched and shrugged her off. He gave her a menacing glare that sent chills up my spine. It sent a very clear message. "I can tear your body limb from limb. Do not touch me." It reminded me of a wolf.

Hermione flinched back. She said, "You can't do whatever it is you did to that kid if it hurts you." The guy shrugged, and said, "I caused pain. It's only fair." Hermione said, "An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind."

He flinched and seemed to curl in on himself. He walked to his bed and crawled under the covers, Malfoy said, "What's your name, anyway?" The boy mumbled something that sounded like a Seaweed brain.

I said, "What?" He said, "Percy Jackson." I nodded, and he said, "I'm super tired, do you guys mind if I go to sleep?"

We shrugged and Hermione was up first.

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