Chapter 4 : Aly ?!!

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Another's note :

Hey guys , thank u for the 4 guys that read my story , I'm open to suggestions , so please comment and tell me what u want Aly and Zayn to do .

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- Lilly <3 .

Chapter 4 : ( Aly ?!!)

2years later :

( I'm coming , just 2 seconds) I said through the phone to my best friend Amy , ( u said that 5 minutes ago ) she shouted at me as I picked up my training bag , we r going practicing cause now I was a popular tennis player I played for the international team for Egypt but also a very well known tennis team in England that i joined like last month , where I'm leaving now , Amy was also a tennis player at the seam team I was playing for , but for the England International team , we are best friend for a year now , we met through a competition , and I just moved in London a month ago so she helped me so much with the moving . ( I have some people I want u to meet , but u have to promise not to scream , Ok ?) she asked , ( why would I scream ? ) i asked confused as i got out of my flat and closed the door , ( just come down And you'll see ) she said , ( ok , I'm on the stairs ) I said and hang up . If u r asking what about me and Zayn , well I haven't seen him since that morning in my room 2 years ago , he became so famous but not him alone , he was put in a band with 4 other boys , their band is called " One Direction " and there music is really good , Zayn's voice is as amazing as I remember it , whenever I hear his voice I fell like I wanna cry , I think about him all the time , u r probably wondering why I didn't go back the summer after Zayn left . see the summer when Zayn left I was davestated so my dad though he would occupy me , so he took us all back to Egypt , he said my friends would keep me busy so I wouldn't think about him and aslo he wanted to see his family as he didn't see them in a long time . When we got home we stayed for a month then my Dad died , I was actually dead , I had a very strong relationship with my dad , and now he isn't here any more , so In one month I lost the two most important boys in my life , and what made it worse that that when Zayn's family found out they came to Egypt to visit us except for him , he knew how strong my relationship with Dad was and he didn't even call . I hated him so much that I didn't want anything to do with him , I also tried to stay away from his music so I wouldn't think of him but I couldn't cause my best friend Amy is a huge directioner , she knew i know Zayn , she just didn't know I was his girlfriend . Now I was leaving my gate and I saw Amy's car , there were a van parked behind it , I saw Amy standing out side her car , ( hay Amy ) I said , (hey sweety ) she said as she hugged me , ( ready to go ?) I asked , ( wait a second , remember when I told I met a guy like 3 weeks ago and I couldn't tell u who he was ?) she asked and I nodded , ( well he asked me to be his girlfriend and I wanted him and his best friends to meet u especially since u know one of them ,) she said as she walked to the door of the van and I followed , I was scared , don't know why but I was , ( don't scream ok ?) she said and I nodded , she opened the door and the first thing that my eyes fell on was Zayn kissing his girlfriend Pierrie , my eyes started to water and I heard Amy say ( my boyfriend is Harry Stayels ) , Zayn pulled away from the kiss and looked at me shocked , ( Aly ?) he whispered , (Aly ) he shouted , then he pushed Liam to get a clear road to run after me so I dropped my bags and ran back to my house . He ran after me but I was faster , wow being a tennis player really pays off when u r trying to run away from your long lost boyfriend , I got to the gate and closed it behind me before he could get in , ( Aly ) he yelled , ( Open the damn gate ) he yelled and banged at the gate , ( Aly what's going on ?) Amy asked , ( Aly open the gate please ?) Zayn said , (Zayn what's going on ? Do u know her ?) the lads asked , then Pierre said ( Zayn ?) she asked , but Zayn didn't answer , ( Damn it Aly , open the goddamn gate ) , I opened the gate so I wouldn't make a scene , I saw him in front of me crying , ( Aly ) he said under his breath , he pulled me into a hug but I didn't hug back , then he noticed and pulled away looking angrily at me , ( Guys what's going on ?) Niall asked , then I heard a lot of ( yeah) s and I wasn't looking any where but his eyes , Damn I missed his eyes . I then turned to Amy , ( u Go and tell the couch I'm sick today ) I said and walked past Zayn to get my bags , I walked back then I was going to get in my house when Amy stopped me. ( What the fuck is going on ?) she said ( don't curse ) me and Zayn said at the same time , ( nothing ) I said , ( it's not nothing ) Zayn yelled , ( Don't yell at me ) I yelled back , ( Where the hell have u been ? 2 years Aly , 2 damn years when I'm looking for u and u r here ?) he yelled , so much about not making a scene in the street . (Wait...... Aly ? , THE Aly ? ) Louis said , ( THE Aly ??) Amy and Pierrie asked at the same time ,still me and Zayn looking in each others eyes , ( come on guys . We gotta go , they have to talk ) liam said to everyone , ( no we don't ) I said , ( yes we do ) Zayn said , ( no we don't ) I repeated , ( goddamn it I haven't seen u for 2 years and u say we don't need to talk ?, at least u owe me that ) he said , ( Fine ) I said , this is not gonna be easy , I whispered to myself.

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