Sneak Peak Of The Nordics Chapter!

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Hey hey hey everyone! This is just a quick sneak peak to show you guys what I've been working on with this story! The full thing is on it's way!

You sat stiffly on the couch. A creepy expressionless Sweden sat next to you. You wearn't sure how, but you were pretty sure his presence made the room even colder than it already was. Across from you sat Norway and Iceland. The four of you sat in awkward silence.

"So... while we're waiting for them to get back... why don't we play a game?" You suggested. The three Nordics looked up at you, slightly curious.

I know, I know... you probably hate me for where I'm leaving it off, but hey! It's only a quick little peak to let you know I'm still working! Sorry if I'm not very good at displaying the characters correctly. The Nordics don't appear very much in the series, so it's a little bit harder to gauge their personalities.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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