Chapter 2

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" So Mr

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" So Mr. Barnes, are you still having nightmares?" Dr.Raynor asked the quiet man who seemed to be zoned out into his own little world. The nightmares of the previous night were still fresh in his mind, it was difficult to focus on her questions.

" James, I asked you a question. Are you still having nightmares?" She pushed again.

Bucky waited a few moments before answering the women who made his life a little more challenging than it already was.

" No."

It was clearly a lie, a lie that Dr.Raynor saw quicker than any normal person would see. The woman gave him an unimpressed expression before continuing with the session.

" We've been doing this long enough that I can tell when you're lying."

The soldier shifted his gloved hands around, uncomfortable under her harsh but calm gaze.

" Well you seem a little off today," She stopped before getting to her main point," Did something happen recently?"

Bucky looked at with a small bit of irritation seeping into stomach, this whole process was completely dumb. He didn't want this random lady grilling him for his every feeling, but what could do it was her job. One that he didn't take kindly to.

" No." He bit back with a bit of annoyance coming through.

After having enough of him constantly avoiding the question at hand Dr.Raynor took out her pen with a defeated sigh, clearly done with the patient.

" Oh come on really?" Bucky said in an exasperated tone," You're gonna do the notebook thing, why?"

" That's passive aggressive." He scoffed to himself that this notebook thing was getting old. The things this lady wanted him to say were things he never got to process since being in constant fighting for the past ninety years.

After finally telling her about him crossing off the name off his amends list, one that involved a woman he helped get into office. She continued on with the session.

" One day, you're gonna have to open up and understand that some people really do wanna help you, and that they can be trusted."

" I trust people." The man drawled out while keeping his eyes away from the woman.

" Give me your phone." Dr.Raynor calmly asked Bucky as she placed her pen and notebook on the table that stood right next to her chair.

Bucky grabbed his phone from his front pants pocket before handing her the phone. She went through her phone with a surprised look on her face.

" You don't even have ten phone numbers on this thing." She said in disbelief at the state of his phone.

" You've been ignoring the texts from Sam." She says as she continues to click away at his phone until she gets to a new contact that was new to her eyes. One that read Jackson Reed. She looked from the name to the man who was looking at the window with a look of dismay, clearly wanting to leave.

" Is Jackson the small boy that you mention that lives in your apartment?" Dr.Raynor questioned the man whose attention was back on her. A look of annoyance flashed in his eyes at the thought of the annoying boy. The look doesn't go unnoticed as she continues to look at him.

" Yeah."

" Why do look annoyed just by the mention of his name James?" Dr.Raynor pushed gently for the man to answer. He looked away before dragging his gloved hand down his face with a defeated sigh. Maybe answering this would make her get off his case for nightmares, even for a little bit.

" He's an annoying little kid that follows me wherever I go. I go to get my mail, he is right next to me. I barely open my door, he's coming out and asking if I could take him out to eat. If I don't he whines for hours until I give in. I only gave him my number so he had at least someone for an emergency contact since his parents are basically ghosts," Bucky rants out while rubbing his temples in a way to calm his nerves," Since he's always by himself he forces me to watch looney toons with him. Don't get me started on that kids strange obsession with that show. He calls me old man whenever he sees me, he doesn't even know my real age! He's a nuisance, a little bug that latched onto me and won't let go." He huffs out in one go, a surprised look puts itself onto her face as she smirks to herself.

" What's the look for Doc?" Bucky narrows his eyes at the woman who starts to chuckle to herself

" It appears that you have a little shadow on your hands, James."

" Yeah, a shadow that talks and whines about food." He says bitterly.

" Since you said his guardians or parents are never home, maybe he's taken a liking to you and views you as some type of parental figure."

Bucky lets out a dry laugh at her comment. Him a parent figure that's truly a joke in many ways than one.

" It would be better if he stayed away nothing good comes out from being around me."

Damn Bucky roasting little Jackson when he's at school.

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