Losers in hawkins (1)

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Eddie: so let me get this straight.. your twins?

Richie:pretty much

MikeW: yes
( Richies last name is wheeler and also the W stands for wheeler cause there are 2 mikes lol)

Eddie: and how come I am just finding out you have a identical twin now Rich?

Richie: not identical, I'm blind

Mike W: and gay

Richie side eyes mike and makes a fist

Richie: yeah ok and your not?

Mike W: I have a girlfriend

Will: you HAD jeez she dumped your ass get over it

Eddie: anywaysssss how come you guys didn't go to the same school? I mean I get that we are transferring to hawkins high now, but like why?

Mike W: apparently when we were little we got in to many fights and mom was over it so she split our schools

Richie: Yeah..to bad our school burned down

Eddie: rich?

Richie: what?....WHAT I DIDN'T DO IT

Eddie Mike w. And will giggle as Richie walks away

Mike W: RICH COME BACK! Ugh he gets pissed to easily how do you put up with him Eddie?

Eddie: we've been best friends since we were 8...I'm also surprised I'm still here

Richie comes back downstairs

Mike W: you miss me?

Richie:not you, come on Eds

Eddie:don't call me that, bye guys nice meeting you!

Mike and will: bye Eddie!

*Eddie runs back downstairs*

Eddie: oops almost forgot my gazebos!

*grabs placebos and heads upstairs*

Will: did he just?...

Mike W: no wonder they are transferring schools

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