Losers in Hawkins (3)

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*after Richie rides his bike home, Mike following him*

*Richie slams their bedroom door*


Mike: he is fine mom im going to talk to him, he can't look me out of our bedroom

Nancy: Mike what happened?

Mike:I don't know.. I'm about to go talk to him

Karen: Nancy, your boyfriend is here

Nancy: COMING STEVE! go talk to him Mike
(If yall want byler to happen we gotta let Nancy date steve)

*Mike walks in their room and locks the door*

Mike: you can't get out of this Rich- don't even think about climbing out the window

Richie: what are you doing here? Your in the basement so much my friends don't know you existed

Mike: I sleep here Richie, talk to me

*Richie tears up*

Mike: Its better if you talk Rich..

Richie:*voice breaking* i can't do this anymore mike...

Mike: is this because I called you gay!? You know im just messing with you I know your not

Richie:but..what if I am?

Mike:are you?

*Richie flops on his bed*

Richie: I mean- I don't know

Mike:why don't you call Eds over? I mean the guy wears rainbow short shorts, he might be able to help you know

*Richie sits up*

(My lazy ass is gonna use abrevations(I already know i miss spelled that)

R: don't call him that

MW:what gay?

R:no don't call him Eds

MW:what why?

R:because its MY nickname for him

MW:are you getting jelo-YOU LIKE EDDIE


MW:come on Richie don't be coy

R: what the fuck is coy? Isn't that like a fish

MW:dude stop trying to change the subject

R:I don't know what your talking about

MW: I'm to tried for this- im going to bed but this conversation is not over

R:....yes its is

MW: wut


The Losers in HawkinsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora