Chapter: One

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:Last Night in Paradise:

The warm surf lapped over their feet as they walked along the beach hand in hand. The golden
peachy glow of sunset set the ocean on fire, and the soft tropical breeze soothed their sun warmed skin. After a week in this Paradise they were reluctant to leave, but they had memories to last them
a lifetime.

Kate smiled up at her husband Drake Walker, his handsome face bronzed by a week in the tropical sun. The toned and generously proportioned muscles of his chest and torso matched his arms and
powerful legs. He was truly a prime specimen of masculine perfection, power and sex appeal. Feeling her eyes on him he turns his face away from the glow upon the water, the white of his
smile rivaling the bright, sparkling sea foam that lathered their ankles.

The playful smirk at the corner of his mouth brought a twinkle to his dark eyes, making Kate's stomach flutter and her knees go weak. No matter where they were, that smirk always made her melt inside and love him more. The first month of their marriage had been a pure bliss of laughter, lovemaking and utter joy. Their
honeymoon had been more of the same, except with less clothing, and there had been days they'd
barely worn anything at all.

You'd have to look very closely to find a tan line on either of them,
except for in private places they only shared with each other.
It was their last night on the island, and after enjoying a sumptuous meal of steak, seafood and fresh fruit they were taking their time during their evening beach walk. Turning to Kate and drawing her into his arms, Drake chuckles, leaning in to kiss her smiling mouth.

"So Kate, tonight what will it be? Sex on the beach and then skinny dipping, or skinny dipping and
then sex on the beach."

Kate laughs, holding onto him tightly as the surf ploughs and scrapes the sand from around their feet. "How about skinny dipping and then sex at the villa, I've had enough of rinsing sand out of intimate places to last me a lifetime."

As his fingers deftly untie the back of her bikini top for the countless time that week he couldn't
agree more. "Sounds like a plan to me."

Kate giggles as he stuffs her bikini top into the pocket of his shorts, and then hooks his thumbs into
the top of her bikini bottoms and quickly forces them down off of her hips to fall into the surf at her
ankles. Kate steps out one foot and then kicks her soggy bottoms out onto the dry sand. In the dying light of sunset, with her long hair blowing on the breeze and her toes burrowed into the soft sand, Kate positively glowed like a goddess. Her sun kissed skin took on a coppery tone, and
her sapphire eyes glittered like the waves.

Drake felt his whole body grow warm and tingle at the sight of her, and it had nothing to do with the sultry tropical air. She stepped in close, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressed her breasts to his chest. Inhaling deeply, he relished the feel
of her every curve and angle pressed up against his hot skin. She smelled of coconut, beach sand and sunshine.

He knew her lips would taste salty and sweet, where she had been in the sea breeze all day and had eaten the majority of the fruity offerings at dinner. Dipping down to grab her ass, he picks her up and she wraps her legs around his waist. When she presses her lips hungrily to his, his tongue jockeys for position in her mouth. When she flicks the underside of his tongue playfully with hers, he groans. Bucking his hips upward and bouncing her against his hardened cock in his shorts, makes her break off the kiss and drop her head back with a moan.

"Drake, I want you so bad.."

Kissing her neck and holding her tight, he whispers, "And you have no idea how much I want you
Kate, how much I always want you.."

Gripping him tighter with her legs, she tugs at his hair and nips at his lower lip.

"Show me," she hisses, teasing his lips with hers, making him work to establish a lock. He growls,
kissing her roughly, his heart pounding and his lungs screaming for air when he finally breaks

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