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"WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE?" the barista asked Naomi, a slightly impatient look on her face.

   Naomi could understand. It had to be annoying when the customer one was serving hadn't said a word.

   Naomi slid a small scrap of paper across the counter, where she had written 'small honey latte' before she came to the small coffee shop. The barista frowned as she looked between Naomi and the paper. Naomi offered a small smile and a five dollar bill before walking away.

   She found a small table at the window, where she could observe those walking by. There were only two other people in the small coffee shop. It was early in the morning and the small mountain town was just waking up. She had only recently started going into Oak Mountain Village. Though even now, she rarely went. Alaric had always warned her not to.

   A pang always entered her stomach as she observed the local college students walking to campus or doing their work. Naomi had always wanted to go to school.

   It was impossible for her to.

   She heard her drink being called out at the bar and left her comfortable chair to get it. Waking back, she made eye contact with a boy in a dark sweatshirt. There were earbuds in his ears. He lifted his chin and she nodded her own head before retreating back to her seat. Pulling out her pencil and paper, she subtly glanced back at the blonde haired boy and began a slight sketch of him. She frequently paused as she worked, making sure to look out the window. Naomi didn't want to miss a thing.

   She had just finished a sketch when the boy stepped into her line of vision. She raised her eyes as he laid a hand on the table.

   "My name is Brett. I go to Oak Mountain." He gave an easy smile. "Is that where you go?"

   Naomi smiled and shook her head.

   He had an expectant look on his face, but when he realized she wasn't going to say anything, he switched tactics. "So...can I have your number?"

   Naomi felt a flush rise on her cheeks. She didn't have a phone. For humans, that would be odd. So, she shook her head once again. Seeing his disappointed glance, she slid the sketch she had made of him across the table.

   Surprise entered his eyes. "Thanks...?"

   She pointed to the bottom of the page.

   He smiled. "Thanks, Naomi." He tilted his head as he studied her. "I'll be seeing you around."

   Naomi nodded but knew that wasn't true. When he reached his table, she left the shop. The bell dinged as she walked out the door. A chilly autumn breeze greeted her and she crossed her arms, wishing she had worn something heavier than overalls and a turtleneck. Autumn in the mountains of North Caroline could be cold indeed.

   She perused the small farmer's market, gathering a few items. She smiled at Logan, the owner. The elderly man had begun to let her sell some of her own preservatives and produce. Naomi decided to purchase a pumpkin at the last minute. It was small and miniature. She smiled at it.

   It would make the perfect centerpiece.

   She left the town, frequently glancing over her shoulder to make sure no one was following her or watching her. She had been getting more paranoid about it lately. Perhaps it was due to her dreams. They had been increasing.  They always seemed more severe when the moon was at its fullest. She had taken to leaving a bucket by her bed, in case she woke up sick. Sometimes her visions left her ill.

   She made her way through the woods, on her own little trail, up the mountain. She briefly got back on the road, before crossing over the rocky places of the forest. It was a little over an hour's walk to town and an hour's walk back. Naomi didn't mind.

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