It will be okay

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Akaashi's pov

It's been about 2 hours since I called kenma, guess they took a little detour. It's now 2:00pm Bokuto and I decided on a lazy day, he was sprawled out on the couch whilst I was cuddled up in his arms the puppy running around the apartment chasing a fly.

I titled my head up, Bokuto's eyes were fixed on the tv he was watching a volleyball match. I just laid like that for a little longer until he noticed. "What is it baby?" He said running his hands through my hair and tracing his fingers down my face as I began to hum "it's hard to believe that someone who can take down an entire mafia group can be so cute" I felt my face begin to heat up and I buried my head into his chest in an attempt to hide my blush. "Don't try and hide from me baby" his hands cupped my checks and his legs wrapped tighter around mine. Still holding my cheek he pulled my face closer and moved one of his hands placing his fingers under my chin forcing me to look up at him. My face burn a darker red "you're so cute baby" he slowly pulled me in and smashed his lips against mine. I melted into the kiss.

I love how soft his lips are.

He moved his hands to my waist slightly lifting me up, straddling his lap his hands push my waist down causing me to moan into the kiss. His hands continue to move my waist back and forth giving us both some much needed friction. The kiss turned heated as I continued to move my hips faster feeling the both of us get hard. Bokuto broke the kiss and looked me deep in the eyes. His eyes so full of lust and love. I continued to move my hips as he began biting and sucking on my neck.

Just as he was about to sink his teeth into my neck we heard the rustling of keys.
"K-Kotarou" I whimpered. He just growled softly kissing my neck he laid back down pulling me down to his chest.

"Oh hey Keiji" Kenma said as he stepped through the door way.

"Hey bro" Kuroo waved following Kenma into the kitchen. Bokuto and I said our hellos as the two of them entered and left to the kitchen.

"That was so close" I mumbled into his chest my cheeks dusted a light pink. Bokuto just giggled "I hate you" I said pouting.

"Okay okay I may have gone a bit far but you can't say you didn't like it with how much you were moving you're hips" he smirked running his hands down to my waist then gripping my ass. I gasped as he did so.

"AHHHHHHHHH" a scream from the kitchen. Kenma? I quickly got off of Bokuto and jumped over the couch running to the kitchen Bokuto following behind.

"Kenma are you oka-" I stopped myself mid sentence as I saw my best friend on the floor being attack by the white fluff ball giving playful licks and wagging her tale at 1 million miles an hour.

"Ahaha stop it" Kenma laughed "so I take it this was the surprise?" I nodded as I called for her to come and she did. "Where did you get her?" Kenma asked as Kuroo helped him to his feet.

"Actually Bokuto and I were on our way home from a date and I saw it alone in the rain" I said bending down to pick her up receiving licks and nuzzles from her.

"Yea he totally scared the crap out of me running out of the car in the middle of a storm" Bokuto huffed as the puppy continued to steal my attention.

"She got a name?" Kuroo asked as he walked over gently patting the puppy on her head rubbing her ears.

"Not yet" I said.

"Did you here the news?" Kenma asked now that the two of us were alone.

"No why?" I questioned.

"They were talking about the attack on our house by Yachi" Kenma said twiddling his thumbs "they know it was mafia related".

"Did they say anything about us?" I asked with deep concern.

"No but you know them" Kenma huffed "nosy journalists and news reporters will poke their head in the wrong persons business and get themselves killed".

"We just have to lay low for a while until this situation dies down" I said wrapping my arm around Kenma's shoulder "we'll get through this okay just like we always do. If it makes you feel any better I'll keep Ushijima and Tendou on their trail and report back of anything suspicious?" Kenma nodded in agreement.

I'll protect you forever (Bokuaka)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang