The Greenfield Saga 4/26/21

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TW: animal abuse/severe child abuse/horrendously disgusting, foul foul foul living conditions

When my mom and my second stepdad divorced, there was only me and Hailey. We lived with my second stepdad/her biological dad for a few years until his girlfriend couldn't put up with us anymore because we were "bad" (I mean we were but looking back, she was really awful to us).

We then moved in with our mother in a little house in Greenfield. That place should have been condemned. Think of the dirty nasty house that you visit and want to wash your hands after. The stagnant air of the house reeked of stale pot poorly smothered by cheap incense. But I was 9 and knew no difference.

It was Me, Mary, Hailey, Mary's boyfriend John, and then my beautiful Rose was born there in that decaying infestation.

I was small so I don't know the circumstances for some of the filth we inhabited but I know that:

John definitely grew pot on the back porch, I was not allowed there.

Our dog, an akita named Cassey, was not well trained and used the house as a bathroom as she pleased.

I, a child, watched John and my mother beat Cassey senselessly just to take their frustrations out on a living creature. I picked up some of this as a small child and feel overwhelmingly sick every time I think of it. I'm so sorry Cassey, I didn't know any better, I love you so much.

John himself wasn't housetrained. I distinctly have a memory of accidentally waking up Rose one morning and being told that I needed to entertain her until she went back to sleep. Mary and John were still sleeping and at one point John got out of bed, pissed in the corner of the room, and just went right back to bed.

There was something wrong with the plumbing. I'm unsure how extreme but what I do know is that I was not to go into the basement, 15 years later and I'm under the impression that it was just flooded with raw sewage almost perpetually. I know that we couldn't consistently use one or the other toilet. I know there was a time were we couldn't use either.


We used a plastic bag and a bucket and tossed the bag on the front porch.

Disgusting nasty nasty nasty nasty foul foul foul

I'm not sure if it was relating to the plumbing or the fact that our various utilities were never consistently on but I know that there was a point where my mom heated up water (maybe from jugs?) on the stove to dump into a round plastic tub that Hailey kept toys in and bathed me and Hailey in it because we couldn't use the shower.

We lived like disgusting, nasty pigs and child services came to my house multiple times to try and get us taken away from my mom. Mary had also put me in western psyche for a week when I was 9 because I had a huge tantrum and didn't want to go to school one morning because of how badly I was being bullied. As a result, I had counselors in and out of my house for me multiple times a week but somehow we we not removed from that vile hole.

Not only was the living situation bad but the abuse was horrendous. Hailey never got it as bad as me, partly because she visited her dad very frequently, he told Mary that he did not want to see me anymore soon after we moved in with her, and she could tell him everything. Also partly because I saw my dad rarely and he wouldn't do anything anyways if I could articulate what my life was like and that I thought it was wrong and also he couldn't take me if he had wanted to. I think I also got it worse because Hailey was technically the baby so got baby treatment and I was the oldest and had to kind of deal with the full grunt of everything and was a very poor behaved child as a result of all of this.

The abuse was mostly in the form of incredibly excessive punishements:

I would have to stand in the corner for extended periods of time and be denied use of the bathroom until I (a 9-10 year old) would end up peeing myself and would get beat for peeing myself and made to stand there until they were disgusted enough in me to make myself clean me up.

If I didn't clean the dishes well enough, I would have to clean every single dish in the house on a time limit and when the limit would come up (I never made the limit) I would have some of my dishes thrown back in the sink and beaten with a new time set. This would go on until they fell asleep and I would stay up into the late morning hours on a school night (3rd/4th grade) washing all the dishes or they would be disgusted in me and let me go to bed and have me continue as soon as I'd get home the next day.

If my room was too messy it would go similarly to the dishes. I would have a time limit to clean my room and when I wouldn't clean it to John's standards in time, I would be beat and he would trash my room more and start the timer over again. One time it went as far as him throwing my mattress across the room and ripping open kitchen garbage bags to dump the contents all over my room paired with my beating and new timer. Thankfully he fell asleep eventually. I remember finally climbing into my finally cleaned room and bed at around 4 am so I could sleep and then go to school in the morning.

Our second bathroom was actually just a toilet in the cellar off the kitchen. Think dark, concrete, spiders. Sometimes when I was bad and once because I woke up too early in the morning I would get locked in there with the lights off. I was incredibly arachnophobic as a child and would stand still where they put me and scream and beg for them to let me out because I was terrified to move and convinced the spiders were "gonna get me".

Sometimes I'd get time limits on doing my homework and my daily cleaning the kitchen chore and would get 1 spank for every minute over my time that I was and if I cried/whimpered/made sounds he'd just hit me harder.

In rare form, if I spilled something or made a mess in the living room, I was to kneel on beer bottle caps as I cleaned it up so that the caps would dig into my knees as I cleaned the mess.

At some point all my Nintendo 64 games were pawned.

I would collect all the change I'd find on the floor at my grandma's and my mom would take it off me so she could buy cigarettes.

Less abuse but more inappropriate is John fell asleep on the porch once and Mary shaved "Drunk" on the back of his head. Which then I thought was hilarious but at 25 I don't think I should have had any concept of this at 10.

At some point, we had to leave the Greenfield house. We had to stay at John's mom's house who also did not like me. My mom stopped coming around because she was cheating on John with his boss who would be my next stepdad. She would leave Myself, Hailey, and Rose at John's mother's house for days on end without hearing form her. I didn't go to school much because John didn't have a car and it was out of his mom's way. Further details aren't particularly important to my point here.

I remember one day I actually got to go to school and I think John's mom drove me or something. I go up to my locker and open my bookbag to get my stuff for the day.

My books weren't in my bookbag.

My bookbag was filled to the top with Rose's dirty diapers.

This old lady filled my bookbag with dirty diapers out of some spite? I was fucking 10. What the fuck did a 10 year old do to you fucking nasty crusty cunt to deserve that?

Soon after I moved from there into my next stepdad's home. I was unable to take most of my belongings and essentially started over with a different nightmare, new scenery.

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