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"Haruka you must leave Starish or..." Insisted Haru. "No Haru I will not leave Starish." Said Nanami firmly. "Fine Haruka, but I have to stay with you." Stated Haru. "Okay." Smiled Nanami.

Meanwhile Starish where walking into the garden when they heard Haruka say "Leave Starish." Then they ran at full speed till the made it the where Haruka was. "Haruka you can't leave Starish! We need you." shouted Starish. "I'm not going to leave you guys." cried Haruka. "Then why did you say....." "I told her to leave Starish Syo." said Haru. BAM!!! Syo hit Haru face. "Syo!!!" Cried Haruka. "You bastard how dare you try to take Haruka from us." Screamed Syo. Haruka ran to Haru side and glared at Syo and the other laughing Starish members. "I though you all were better then this." Cried Haruka. SLAP!!! "He deserved it Haruka." Hissed Ren. "How dare you slap my fiancée. Haruka we are leaving this place today." shouted Haru. "Okay." Whispered Haruka.

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