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A/N: hi, it's Jillian! I would just like to clear a few things up about this story.

Okay so first off, this is my first fan fiction. I have started writing some and I've published them, but I always end up deleting them. But, this is the first one that I plan on keeping up and updating as much as I can. That being said, updates may be slow.

Next is that this story is going to be out of order for multiple reasons. The first is that its easier to write because different scenes come to mind at different time! Also, when I read fan-fiction I always hate the beginnings because they are so weird and we all know they will date. And lastly, I just love the idea of one day seeing heartbreak and another day seeing how in love the characters are. When they are angry I get angry and I don't like being angry!

The last thing I would like to say is that I write from a very personal space and I do not mean to offend anyone with this story. It is just a way I can express my thoughts and feelings without feeling as though I am annoying someone. I don't want to offend people, but I am going to write what I want to write and I will because most of these will be things I think of.

I hope you enjoy my story and that you don't think it's sucky:-)

november 26, 2015 four fifty seven p.m.

"what are you doing" jamie giggled while moving her hair that was currently in a pony tale from my back to my bare shoulder.

"i'm playing connect the dots with your freckles on your back" luke giggled continuing to connect the freckles.

"why?" she asked while laughing because it tickled.

"well you are currently shirtless on my bed and i looked at your back and saw a bunch of cute little freckles so i thought 'hey let's connect jamie's freckles and see if any fun shapes can be created'"

"and were there?"

"were there what?" luke stopped connecting the dots and was now leaving little kisses up her spine, then to her shoulder that wasn't occupied by her hair, and then to her neck.

"any fun shapes created from my freckles?" she was giggling up a storm because of all the love luke was showing her.

"i think i made a puppy but i don't really remember. i kinda got distracted when i realized that you're shirtless." luke admitted. he was now practically laying on her, with his legs in between hers and his head resting on her shoulder, slowing kissing her jawline.

jamie decided to turn over so their bare chests were touching and she was looking into his eyes.

"you're such a boy. just because there is a shirtless girl in the same bed as you, you can't keep your mind on the important things like if there is the possibility of a freckle puppy on my back." she brought her arms around his neck and gently ran her fingers through his hair, something she enjoyed doing and he enjoyed her doing, even if he wouldn't admit it.

"oh shut up." luke giggled and connected their lips.

"my love, would you mind being the best boyfriend in the entire would and possibly making me a big bowl of cereal with almond milk? please?" jamie asked luke while their lips were brushing up against one anothers.

"you just said my love and please. you must really want this bowl of cereal huh?" luke teases jamie still in the same position.

"fuck yes i want some cereal. and i would prefer to not get out of bed because a) i'm lazy b) i'm naked and c) it's cold. so luke please don't be a dick for once in your life and get your lovely girlfriend a bowl of her favorite cereal so that she can eat it in bed while naked."

"okay okay i'll get you your cereal with yucky milk but only because i want to see you eat cereal naked." luke got out of bed, put a pair of cartoon boxers on, and walked to the kitchen.

two minutes he walked back with a large, yellow mixing bowl filled with jamie's cereal in one hand and two spoons in the other.

"wait i have to share with you?" she giggles from the bed while he situates himself behind her, her back leaning against his his chest and his legs on either side of her, under the covers and hands her the bowl.

"yes because i poured a whole box in there and i'm quite hungry myself." luke then leans over and grabs the macbook from the side of the bed and sets it in front of them.

"okay babe, because you choice the cuisine of the night, i shall decide the entertainment."

"so we are either going to watch the 1975 live videos or one of those movies that you just love to death, correct?"

"you know me too well. let's watch beware the gonzo aka the best movie ever created."

"never heard of it." jamie comments while taking a huge spoon full of cereal.

"are you kidding?! it's the best movie."

"that's what you said about anchorman but i didn't laugh."

"but i was right about the lego movie, so ha! trust me you will love it. not as much as you love me, but you'll love it." luke declared while searching the movie on nextflix and nudging jamie as if asking for a spoon full of cereal which she gave to him because she loves him for some strange reason.

they then relaxed and watched the best movie ever and it so happened to be the best movie. it was sad and funny and interesting and just an amazing movie in general.

"okay luke, that movie was amazing. now, let's watch the best movie ever. it may seem weird but it is still amazing okay? you have to trust me."

"jae, you're scaring me. please don't tell me it's some dumb ass movie like the notebook."

"i'm going to let you in on a little secret lukey. i've never seen the notebook. It kinda looked dumb"

"ok i just fell in love with you all over again."

jamie just blushed a very hard and grabbed the dvd that was in her night stand without moving her butt and put it in the computer.

"what the fuck is this?" luke whispered in her ear while his head rested on her shoulder and his arms around her bare waist.

"country bears, duh."

"why the fuck are you showing me a children movie. and why are those bears talking this makes no sense."

"luke if you were watching you would see that beary is trying to get the band back together in order to save country bear hall."

luke just looked at the ginger girl in his arms and laughed at what a dork she was, with her hair a mess and her face bare of makeup. he just watched her watch the movie and enjoyed watching her stuff her face with cereal and laugh when something that wasn't even that funny. luke just looked at this girl that he has fallen madly in love with and sinks himself lower to hide his face because he knows that he will have to leave her soon. and no matter how badly he wants to stay with her, he can't.

"love you, love." luke whispered into her skin and left a soft kiss on he shoulder.

if leaving means he keeps this angel that is in his arms safe, than that's what he will do. because he would do anything and everything to keep his baby-girl safe. so luke snuggled into jamie's neck, inhaled her scent, and cherished what little time they had left.

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