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Mal's pov

I woke up to the feeling of a little hand trying to lift up my bra which would mean Brooke wants milk

M-No Brooke 

She yelled and started to cry 

M-I will put you in your room if you keep crying young lady


M-Let me just sit up 

M-Drink up today is your last day


M-Its your birthday 



M-What happened 

Ben was still in the bed with her

A-Your plegant again

B-What BEN WOKE UP WITH A shock 

M-I told you to keep it a secret 

B-Your pregnant 

M-Yep one last family member 

B-Yep it is time to get up and eat to

M-Okay I have a 1 year old and tomorrow is Christmas and then my birthday 


A-Mommy whats for breakfast 

A-Mommy whats for breakfast 

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M-Get dressed

M-Let me go get Brooke ready

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M-Let me go get Brooke ready

M-Lets to your party Brooke 

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M-Lets to your party Brooke 

M-Lets to your party Brooke 

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M-Do you see that Brooke 

M-Do you see that Brooke 

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M-Go play

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M-Go play

Authors note I didn't want to right about the party and stuff sorry short chapter

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