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THIS book is pure fiction, none of this is true. I was in the mood to write a sad fanfic so this is why you got this sad book. It's gonna be a short story. I do not own anything in this book, no photos,  places, names, companies, nothing. The only thing I own is this book, please do not copy this book.

You can get inspired by it but don't steal the whole book word for word! Ive work hard on this, I don't want my work stollen. (Not saying that anyone has stollen this book!!). Some of the stuff written in this book maybe triggering to you and others, so I'll give you a warning.

This book will contain some sad and dark themes, if you need to vent please DM and I will listen to what you have to say. With all this being said here is your warning

Content Warning:
• Smut!
• Death!
• Mentions of cancer!
• Cursing!
• Self harm
• Sadness!


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