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"Baby" Chenle cooed as his arms wrapped around my waist, I felt the tears escape my lips as he told me he was passing...

"I love you so much, I..." I chocked on my words, crying into his chest, his knees bucked bring us to the floor, I felt his tears hit my shoulder

"Please don't cry, you will just make me cry more" Chenle had stuttered out, pulling me closer to him

"We can get through this, I promise. I won't ever leave your side, no matter how hard things will get, I will love you to the end" I whispered pulling him into a kiss

"We will, I too promise" Chenle said as we pulled away from the kiss, slowly standing up from the spot of his floor, he dragged me up to his bed, pushing my body onto the bed

A smile pulled at my lips as he kissed my lips slowly. My hands travelling up to rest in his hair, slowly tugging as it, a small high pitched moan left his lips. His faces reddened in colour, as he pulled away looking at me

"Shh" I whispered to him a small smirk placing at my lips, as we broke out in fits of laugher, Chenle kissed my lips before I broke out in laughter

"y/n shh" Chenle mimicked, rubbing his nose against mine, as I rolled my eyes pulling him back into a kiss

Next thing I knew, our clothes were scattered across the room, his hands in my hair as he kissed me, before taking off his boxes, I toke off my undergarments

His lips were soft, as they danced along my skin, turning a sad moment into something more, something worth living for. Something that felt like it would last forever, engraved into my mind. We weren't allowed to be loud, since both his parent were now home, bringing my hand up to my mouth muffling my own moans, as Chenle rested on his elbow, head buried into my neck, his other hand grasped my thigh, as he thrusted softly, running my other hand up and down his arm.

Throwing my head back, as he kissed softly against my neck, I ran my hand up to tug at his hair, a moan escaping his lip, as he bit down onto my neck lightly, that sent me over the edge, feeling my high begin to unravel burying my head into Chenle's shoulder. It was long after before he himself had his high, trying his best to muffle it by bringing his face to the crook of my neck.


𝐾𝑖𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ |𝑍ℎ𝑜𝑛𝑔. 𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑛𝑙𝑒 𝑋 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟|Where stories live. Discover now