Missing you, with me.

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Faith's POV.

"I can't wait to see you."
Those were the last words that I heard coming from my phone before Dee hung up.
Ive always thought about that sentence after every time he said it. That one sentence always made me feel wonderful. Those words made my cheeks turn red and my body feel numb to the core.
My best friend is wanting to see me.
Just me. Only me.
I haven't seen him in over a week sense I've been at my fathers house.
I miss him so much. And now that I'm at my moms i can finally be with him again.
I know he loves me. It always amazes me that he does. So here i go. To see my best friend.
My best friend.
As i walk up to his driveway i wonder what we will do. What games we play, or what he would make for lunch. If we jump on his small trampoline, or if he shows me some more moves on his skateboard.
My favorite thing to do with him is lying on the soft warm grass on the side of the hill that he lives on.
It makes me feel...safe.
He knows all of my secrets. All of my wishes and hopes. Because thats what i tell him when we sit on the hill together. Just being dorks and dreamers. Me and him would wrestle and roll down the side until grass stains covered our clothes.
We would catch fireflies as the sun leaves our side of the world. We would laugh loudly making the sound echo through the neighborhood.

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