11 1 0

"some days it takes a lot of work just to be okay."

jimin felt his brain shut down, his flight or fight response deactivated as he looked down at the basin, his fingers trembling in fear.

he had experienced many beatings throughout the years. some of which in the supposed safety of the school grounds, others where not one son or daughter should ever get the blow of a punch.

you would expect the unfortunate boy to be used to it.

used to the physical pain fighting against his nerves.

used to the mental damage of his once innocent brain.

but no, with every beating the boy recieved, he would absorb the trauma, swallow the pain and kick his way slowly back to the surface.

greeting the world with a masked smile to force his pain down his throat.

"w-what do you want from m-me?" the terrified boy stuttered out. his voice which was once joyful and joking in the comfort of the classroom, now a timid cry for help in the arms of his fear.

"little pussy over here forgot to see us after class, we can't have that can we?" he ring leader spoke up, a roughness on the tip of his tongue.

before jimin could respond with a sentence that would only fall silent upon deaf ears, his stomach got rewarded with a sharp blow, resulting in the frail boy crashing into the cold tile floor of the bathroom.

his head met the surface mixed with a strangled cry forcing its way up jimins throat.

pools of hot tears began to fall from his eyes, burning his colourless cheeks. he wouldn't dare to look up at his abusers.

wrong decision.

"hey pussy, look at me when i talk to you, asshole!!" the bully spat with every hint of aggression laced in each syllable.

without registering it, jimins face was met with the familiar black boot, earning a loud cry coming straight from jimins fragile heart.

fresh tears flooded out of jimins once bright eyes, swimming with the crimson blood that leaked from the fresh wound on his cheek.

he felt like his soul left his body.


taehyung stared aimlessly out of the window, trying to absorb any inspiration he could find to finish his art piece.

his leg tapped with a steady rhythm, a habit of his which he developed from his hidden anxiety.

it had been twenty-five minutes since jimin left to use the bathroom and that caused taehyungs nerves to heighten.

he had yet to question the smaller boy about the bruises that scattered across his chest, or the cut that decorated his pink lips.

he was anxious.

and before that anxiety could overflow in his veins, taehyung dropped his pencil on his sketchbook harshly.

"miss, can i use the bathroom please, thank you."

and before the teacher had a single chance to acknowledge the sudden question, taehyung was already out the room.

his legs were in a rush to carry him to the bathroom, his head spiralling with concerns of what was taking the boy so long.

once taehyung reached the door, his anxiety ridden hand wrapped around the handle before the door swung open, a group of boys flooding out.

taehyungs brows nitted together with confusion. the boys looked rough, their hair wild with anger but the familiar smug look still fixed against their faces.

taehyung took a deep breath to calm his nerves before slowly pushing the door open.


a whimper.

when the beaten boy first came into view, taehyung couldn't recognise him. the boy he met a couple days ago was full of life, colour always flooding his rose cheeks with a smile that only the gods could create.

but the boy in front of taehyungs gaze was quite the opposite.

a frail little boy, hugging his chest in a failed attempt to protect his body. his left eye swollen, hardly able to even look up at taehyung. his emotionless face covered in dry tears with a mixture of both congealed and fresh blood still flowing from his open wound. his pure white uniform torn with dyes of crimson here and there.

jimin tried to say taehyungs name, his cracked lips failing at the first syllable but he didn't need to as taehyung was already rushing to hold jimin in his arms.

"i-m..i'm sorry t-tae.." the boy cried out and that was when taehyungs heart dropped right to his nerved stomach.

why was he apologising when he was the victim?


i did it guys omg i actually updated.

pls tell me if this was any good!!

updating might be harder since i am SO behind on college work and i have a job now but i don't want to disappoint!!

take care <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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