Day 1. Get known

18 1 1

Your POV

"Ah it feels great to finally relax." You say in your empty bedroom lying on your mattress. You lie there for a moment before hearing your mother walk up the stairs shouting your name. "Hey y/n! Do you want to come with me to meet the neighbours?I heard there's a boy next door around your age!" You jump up with excitement thinking you might get allong with this boy.

As you're walking down the drive way you make sure your hair looks nice. A woman opens the door and you decide not to talk because you want to peak inside their house but the kitchen catches your eye. Your in disbelief, "that can't be-" you wisper under your breath thinking no one heard you but they do. They stare at you with a confused face. "It can't be what?" Your mother says as she moves your head to look at her. You stay silent. "Y/n answer me. It can't be what?"
Your mother says again frustrated you didn't answer her the first time. "Nothing" you Mutter but really your questioning what you saw was real. The convosation ends quickly between your mother and this woman.

When you got home again, You ran upstairs to your phone and you start mass texting all of your friends from your old school
The messages read
They reply within minutes. Not a single one believed you

You go to bed early as you're tired from moving.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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