Part 2

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The scraggly brown hair was lightly grazing the younger's neck, as he shifted a little in his sleep. His arm was slung over sapnaps chest, as both of their legs were tangled up.

The emerald orbs fluttered opened, the older furrowed his eyebrows concussed on where he was, then all the memories flooded back to him.

Sapnap inviting him to hang out, sapnap teaching him how to ride a skateboard, sapnap telling him that they could just sleep in the same bed.

"Hey." Karl heard a faint whisper, a weird warmth flooding into his chest from hearing the younger's morning voice.

"Hey, we need to go to school." Sapnap groaned into the eighteen year olds head, slowly unwrapping his arm away from him.

"You can take my skateboard, so you know- your friends don't murder you for hanging out with me." A soft giggle escaped the taller's small pink lips, unknowingly throwing on a random hoodie he found on the ground.

"Can I have your number?" Sapnap asked, looking the tiny figure up and down as a red flush went across Karl's cheeks.

"Sure here its, xxx-xxx-xxxx." The duo stared into each other's eyes for just a second to long, but Karl looked away checking his phone.

"Alright I have to go! Uhm- thanks for inviting me I had a surprisingly good time."


Karl approached his friends at the school with his new skateboard, he wore a shit-faced grin as the trio looked at him.

"Where the hell were you last night?!" Quackity exclaimed, George stared at him with his hands on his hips it reminded Karl of his mom, when she was around at least and Dream just silently stared at him, gaze shifting at his hoodie then towards the skateboard.

"Calm down, I forgot about the diner and decided to to study in the woods, I turned my phone on do not disturb." Alex furrowed his eyebrows.

"Your weird." A vibration came from his phone, the teen whipped it out.

You look cute in my hoodie:)

If the boys smile couldn't get any bigger it did, as his face turned beat red.

Aw I made you blush
Do you want to hang out during sixth period
Like skip
You don't have to if you don't want to

I'll see you in sixth period handsome:)
I think it would be good for me to try new things

"So who's texting you?" Quackity asked curiously, eyeing the older up and down suspiciously.

"Just my mom, she wants to hang out with my brother and me tonight, I haven't seen my brother in days." He lied straight through his teeth, his mother would never come back nor would asked to hangout with her sons. And as for his brother, he practically replaced him with Wilbur.

"Oh, well I hope you have fun tonight. We were going to ask you to go chill at Danny's but that's ok!" Karl looked around, locking his gaze on a short male who had a flame on his hoodie, the brown orbs saw the green ones and winked. Karl quickly looked away, meeting with Dream who was looking at him quizzically.

"Oh by the way, since when do you skateboard?" George questioned.

"Oh, I've always skateboard I just didn't have a ride today- anyways I got to go to first period."

The brunette fluffy hair bounced as he scurried away.

He took a seat in mr.Minecraft's class, the seats were three in one row. He usually sat by Dream and Quackity, George unfortunately is in Mr. Corpse class for first period.

"Alright sapnap I'm tired of your bullshit, switch seats with Quackity." Mr.corpse firmly demanded, the forest eyes widened, as he carefully sat down on the stool, shooting a disappointed look at sapnap when he sat down.

"Hey I didn't do it on purpose!" He rose his hands in defense, a light chuckle fell out of Karl.

Dreams pov of the class period

"Hey do you know if the creators of Teletubbies knew I was going to have nightmares about them 12 years later." Karl snorted, as the blonde side eyed look at them judgmentally.

" I once had a dream where the teletubbie and minx were combined." Dreams best friend spoke, how do they know each other. Clay thought.

A/N; sap and Dream aren't best friends in this btw

"Do you know what happens when you have way to much protein powder?" Sapnap asked the older.

"Yea it feels great in the moment, then when you wake up in the morning. Sheeesh." Both of the younger boys turned there heads slowly in unison, giving a concerned look at the eldest.

"Oh don't look at me like that, tell me what you do at party's again?" It's like I'm not even here, Clay thought as he watched the pair interact.

"Yea but your Karl."


"Did you know Australia is wider than the moon?" Karl asked. When the fuck is this class going to be over?


The bell finally rang, the dirty blonde stood up furrowing his eyebrows as Karl and sapnap whispered about something, then Karl ran off. Since when are they fucking friends?

Karl pov
Time skip

He grinned softly as he plodded towards the enormous stairwell, that led up to the flat roof. His soft brunette hair hung down to his eyebrows as bounced up them.

"Karl!" Then he came to a halt, slowly looking up at the blonde, the sun shining a golden light down on him making his icy blue orbs glow.

"Hey Toms." There was a fond look in Karl's eyes as he talked to the younger boy, his brother.

"Is it alright if I go to Wilburs tonight?" With all of his facial muscles he had to keep smiling, it hurt the side of his cheeks. Why is it always Wilbur? Was I not a good enough brother for you? He thought.

"Of course!" He enthusiastically said, biting his tongue to not sound to bitter.

"Ok thank you!" The energetic teen smiled widely, Karl winced he never got those big smiles. He watched as the child jump down the stairs, skipping every four steps with his lanky legs.

The brunette shook his head, sprinting towards the that last flight of stairs.

His eyes were finally met with a crimson 'roof' sign, his angular fingers wrapped around the cold silver doorknob, slowly turning it. Opening the door to reveal a short boy in a faded pink sweatshirt, his drawstrings were tied to together at the top

"Karl! You made it." He excitedly said, jogging over to the older. His eyes wondered up and down the boy before meeting the emerald orbs, a small smile tugged at his lips.

"Come with me your majesty." Sapnap bowed down, his body folding over his arm.

What do my friends hate about him?

Overhated // KarlnapWhere stories live. Discover now