Chapter 4.

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After lunch me and Gloria walked back to our last period.

Which was Reading.

Reading was easy all we had to do was read a chapter to one book, write a paragraph about that chapter, and then do whatever we wanted to do.

Easy right?

Yes very easy.

I got short chapters.

So when I got finished I would sleep.

Now I just need to write a paragraph.


Sleep time.
*:..。o○ ○o。..:*

After Gloria woke me up we got out of the school and started walking home.

We were talking about home work when we notice a man walking behind us.

"We should walk faster. " Gloria said with total fear.

Did she know this man?

We started walking faster but the man kept up with our speed. 

I was starting to get worried.

What was happening?

What does Gloria know?

All of a sudden I'm thrown off of the road and into the ditch.

As I was tumbling down I see the man going to hit Gloria.

"NO!" I screamed

Then I blacked out.
*:..。o○ ○o。..:*

This chapter is like sucky tbh.
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