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Chapter Seven


"Sir is everything okay in here?" The doctor asked.

I released Arias shoulders and her fingernails pulled from my forearms as I pushed away from the bed. I was breathing heavily, my heart was pummeling out control as I turned to look at the old man.

"Everything is fine." I said, through gritted teeth.

He didn't looked convinced but nodded once and turned on one heel to walk away. I tried to adjust my shirt and hair but it was all in vain. Aria had misplaced my hair when she had pulled it and ripped almost every button on my dressing shirt.

Things had gotten out of hand once again. I hadn't been able to stop myself from yelling at her when they had brought us to the E.R.

Things got a lot worse when they finally stitched my forehead up and placed her in a private room. I demanded to see her right away. Aria wasn't getting away with the fact that she had endangered both our lives. I hadn't pegged her for a crazy woman but now things seemed to be unfolding before my very eyes.

"I think bargaining with you is permanently off the table. Consider this a wish fulfilled on my behalf. I never want to see your face again." I spat.

"None of this would be happening if you would have just watched where you were going!" She screamed, reaching over for a booklet on the table. It flung across the room and hit the wall falling to the floor with a thud.

"You're crazy!" I snapped.

"Am I? Or have you not noticed that it's the effect people have on you when you're close by." She remarked.

"You, owe me, a new car." I stated.

Aria laughed, her fake boasting pulling the last string of my nerves. "And you owe me a new leg!"

"I'm walking out." I said, opening the door. I took one step outside only to realize that my father stood at the end of the hall. My breath hitched as I saw his head turn. Pushing back into the room I cursed the hospital for not having a lock on the door.

"I thought you were leaving?" She asked, her arms crossing over her chest.

"Listen, I am about to be in a really tight situation here, just...go with it, if you do I will do whatever you want." I pleaded.

Aria arched a brow and had no time to protest as the door to the room flew open. I stepped back a few feet as my father barged in, his eyes squared on me. My mother followed, her arms quickly wrapping around my shoulders to hold me close.

"What happened!" He snapped, he turned to close the door before anyone else could listen in on the conversation much less witness it.

"Father, I can explain." I said, trying to pull my mother away from me. Her weeping was making it difficult to talk.

"For Christ sake, Jodie, give the boy some room to breathe!" He said, taking a gentle hold on her arm. She tugged away and huddled into the crook of my fathers arm.

"I swear to you if this little accident was your doing you can be sure that I've had it. This is the last straw to all of your shenanigans! I will not have the family name be tainted by such a clumsy son. You heed little warning to everything I tell you. If I say go left you go right! Right into destruction." He lectured.


I felt my eyes nearly want to bulge from my sockets as I stared at the tall impressive man before Dathan. Compared to his father, Dathan looked small and cowardly. This man held an aura of dominance and authority. He dressed in a fine black suit, his eyes a penetrating gray. The moustache he sported was what gave his glare the finishing look of control.

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