Unfinished draft

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Third person                                                    Lucas Hasn't been feeling well for a while now he had a headache a horrible stomach ache he already threw up like twice he hasn't been out of his house in a few weeks and the guild was starting to worry...                                       

Lucas POV                                                              I was feeling horrible it was what like 3 | 1 AM so I decided that I'll go hang out at the beach it was pretty relaxing but little did I know someone was watching me

David POV
I couldn't sleep that night I was to worried for Lucas he hasn't been outside for a few weeks until I noticed someone or should I say Lucas
I was surprised so I got out of my bed and I started to follow him until he sat down on the beach near the water so I snuck behind him next thing I know he passed out I got even more worried so I ran over to him and saw how pale he is he also felt really hot so I picked him up and ran to my house and fell asleep the next morning I carried him to the guild Hall and yelled for help he was still really hot

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